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21 replies
  1. The Keane's
    The Keane's says:

    I’m always late to watching these live but … rice cookers are freaking awesome, Fred is too cute, I hate oatmeal but that looked freaking awesome and moderna put me in menopause ( well I’m of that age but as soon I got that shot, bam no more period and hot flashes attacked me .. gave me Covid arm too … oh well)
    And love your quote .. societal cum!!! Freaking on point !!!

  2. wine and cooking
    wine and cooking says:

    We are so similar it's kind of scary. I have a similar home situation and the bizarre love hate for food. Aaron and your relationship is similar to mine. It's always tough but you find the positives better than I do recently. 💜💜💜

  3. Eliza Corpuz
    Eliza Corpuz says:

    I'm really glad you reiterated your view on freedom of speech. Although it's likely not something everyone in your viewer base will universally agree with, it provides one more perspective on why this right should be protected.

  4. Marie-Laure B
    Marie-Laure B says:

    I'm at the same point on life worth as a society (in fact, the *troubling thing is Asian countries showed they care more for their countrymen…, Much more, only troubling bc of the propaganda we're exposed to)

  5. Eileen Thomas
    Eileen Thomas says:

    Good morning it's my 2am Saturday Fred is so lovable, June those pants are adorable, you have a cutest little figure, great Idea using the bacon fat i will try that I saw threading done once in a Walmart never tried it, awe Fred belly loves love that he's not hurting you he took his bath,Rice looks purrfect, now I'm hungry , Love you must get cooking today and prepping in the kitchen have a great day guy's .

  6. Rebena Q
    Rebena Q says:

    Love your streams but because of the time zones I keep missing some.
    It's always good to see you, Aaron and the stunning Fred. ❤
    Any chance you can show us how you make Fred's food?. The stuff in the jar? Please? X


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