Four Ingredient Whole Wheat Bread [EASY]

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Four Ingredient Whole Wheat Bread [EASY] Recipe: If you don’t have a dutch …

41 replies
  1. WFPB Susie Kilgroe
    WFPB Susie Kilgroe says:

    Flour and yeast are hard to find right now. But I luckily did. I am trading one of my bread flours for one of my daughters WW flours and giving this a go as needed. I used to make and sell bread at a farmers market about 26 years ago and yet haven’t tried this method.
    Thanks for the post!

  2. Alisha Mccully
    Alisha Mccully says:

    I live in a very small town in rural Montana, so I called my group of friends to see who has what ingredients then I had my teenager go collect ingredients that they had left out on their porch then I did a bunch of baking (granola bars, bread, oatmeal cookies) and then I left the baked goods on everyone's porch and everyone pitched in, it's so nice that we can/are working together.

  3. Patricia McDonald
    Patricia McDonald says:

    Your thoughtful gesture must have been truly appreciated, what a great example for your community. This recipe with just yeast and flour is a game changer. Interesting thing, I left a little bit of dough (just wholemeal flour, water and miso) in a jar in the fridge for a couple of days, and it turned out incredibly stretchy and baked well as a pastry dough. Now I'm using at home time to experiment with this idea, maybe others can too.

  4. Lee Michaels
    Lee Michaels says:

    Yes acts of kindness now is great.
    Well if you need any more bulk flour I think the Websteraunt store is the place to buy it. If you put 1-50 pound bag of flour in the cart your shipping is like $40 $50. But then if you add a whole mess of more stuff basically your shipping stays the same price. So in this crazy time I actually got two bags of organic bread flour king Arthur. I use that bread to mix with my whole wheats to make some artisan loaves. I also bought a bag of 00 tup. For super hydration pizza dough making. Then I got a whole mess of things like a gallon of organic honey. It’s not raw but I intend on baking with this honey so it just doesn’t matter. I got some different condiments. Tried to get some organic rice but that was gone!

  5. Becca Scraps
    Becca Scraps says:

    do you think a stainless steel pot would work? It has two handles on the side, maybe it is actually a dutch oven, i'm not sure, and it has a heat proof lid, so i'm thinking it should work. I'd love to not have to buy another new pot.

  6. Nocturnal Butterfly
    Nocturnal Butterfly says:

    Awesome!!! Going to try this out with some veg soup tomorrow, thank you 💋💖🦋 What a wonderful thing to do 💕 I’ve been sharing frugal recipes and live streaming with friends everyday, trying to stay informed and keep upbeat at the same time. 🤘

  7. JHill
    JHill says:

    A quick tip for getting the water temperature right use 1/3 boiling water & 2/3 room temperature water. It works for any amount of water for bread making

  8. Corey Mondello
    Corey Mondello says:

    Great vid. Also check out “No-Knead” Bread over at “Artisan Bread With Steve” Channel along with “Bake With Jack”. Two of my favorite bread making YouTubers! Only problem for me is, when I make a loaf of bread, I’ll eat it all in one day 😀


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