Former police officers support legalizing marijuana

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7 replies
  1. Sking LikeStein
    Sking LikeStein says:

    Any cop or politician that is against legislation is afraid of losing all the money they make of people they prosecute. It’s all about making money off of the poor. It starts with the court fines and continues with urine analysis fees and ends when they bankrupt the people they are prosecuting and confined them to a cell making them modern day slaves.

  2. Diogenes The Apathetic
    Diogenes The Apathetic says:

    Do people not realize marijuana related crimes only happen because its still a crime? sheesh. if you could just go into the store and buy it like LITERALLY ALMOST ANYTHING ELSE, you wouldnt have these whacky stories about people being set up. Whens the last time you were set up for a box of toothpaste? jfc

  3. Realm of Random Realities
    Realm of Random Realities says:

    Obviously those people are just anti drug no matter what. The officer using weed deals gone bad as proof of reason for keeping it illegal is ridiculous. Remember when alcohol was illegal? Much worse things happened. If you make any substance illegal, expect bad results. Even something like sugar being illegal, would lead to bad things for crying out loud. Sugar smugglers and dealers would be considered criminals all of a sudden


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