Forget Instant Ramen, Do This Instead!

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Get ready to slurp your way to spicy bliss with this sensational recipe. From the perfect balance of flavours to the lip-smacking heat …

33 replies
  1. Adrian Coleman
    Adrian Coleman says:

    Cooked it tonight. Fabulous dish with a couple of caveats (this all depends on your own palette). Way way too salty and on the edge chilli wise. Next time I'll adjust portions accordingly. Oh and the video vs written menu measurements have still to be corrected

  2. p l
    p l says:

    Another Great Recipe 🙂 I would like some women on your show cooking to represent the other half of humanity though , seems really biased the last while 😟

  3. Adrian Coleman
    Adrian Coleman says:

    I'm really confused about some of the portions in the video and what's on the website. 100gm of pork mince on the website. It looks easily twice that in the video. 2 litres of chicken stock on the website. I'd guess around 1l in the video. The ingredients for the pork are also contradictory,eg the recipe says 1/2 tablespoon of hoisin etc, but in the video it's 1 tablespoon. Please clarify as I want to make this at the weekend!


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