Foodie Friday – Salisbury Steak in Instantpot

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10 replies
  1. irProteus
    irProteus says:

    Major mistake: not putting a small amount of oil in before putting meat in. 93% is much TOO Lean to develop sufficient lubricant to prevent meat from sticking to the stainless steel insert (as you discovered). Actually ground chuck would have been a better choice; more fat content….. and Better Flavor.

    What you made was a Hamburger Steak; NOT a Salisbury Steak ….. (Google it or see- Salisbury Steak has other ingredients in it; not just plain meat…. Typically chopped onions and green peppers are mixed in with the meat. Some recipes also include binders such as bread crumbs.

  2. T G
    T G says:

    Oh that does look delicious, i'm having a root canal in about an hour so there will be no Salisbury Steak for me for a little bit. Enjoy …

  3. Linda Fine
    Linda Fine says:

    Total comfort food I bet! We finally have frigid weather coming in later on today in the 30's and 40's after being in 70's and 80's a lot this week, so time for hot dishes!


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