Foodie Beauty says she is going to Kuwait in “LET'S BEEEEEZE!”

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38 replies
  1. Nancy Jackson
    Nancy Jackson says:

    She’s overweight and Salah has already told her she needs to lose weight. I imagine she will not be able to eat anytime she wants cuz he won’t let her. She will NOT be able to use her marijuana or risk prison. She can’t have babies which if he wants children it would be a problem. She has a nasty big mouth 👄 and loves to swear. She’s not a nice person, she’s lazy, she hates exercising. Idk, what could go wrong with this relationship.

  2. Karen A.
    Karen A. says:

    I thought Salah was “paying for everything “ & “wants to take care of me” Wouldn’t you think he would want his “queen” to have a first class ticket?

  3. R Brownstein
    R Brownstein says:

    It’s hilarious when she says she’s so excited to be a wife.
    You’re excited to cook and clean every day for him. To be completely submissive? To lose all of your freedom to a person you’ve never even met in person? She has no idea what he truly is like. He could be a horrible abusive person and treat her like a slave and she will be stuck. What a complete idiot.

  4. Deb Urcuiolio
    Deb Urcuiolio says:

    I have a probable theory? Maybe she cancelled new house. Decided with a little convincing, to go sooner . Probably, didn't realize how expensive flight was and needed the money for trip. Originally claimed Salad is paying, however I'm sure he backed out of paying. Reason being something wrong with his debit/credit card ( 😉😉 winking). Stating he will reimburse for the money. Actually biggest scam trick ever!

  5. Jacky Hawkins
    Jacky Hawkins says:

    At the end of FB and Nader, he told her to" fix it" all the bad mouthing she had said about him. She didn't or couldn't. He said he will fix her.
    If Salah isn't her Scam, I wonder if she's being Scammed by Nader . I've heard that characters like Nader and the likes of Salah work in rings 🤔 Just a thought

  6. Red robin
    Red robin says:

    I bet something will "happen" like, she will get turned away for whatever reason and the next arc will her being heartbroken and devastated over that. And she is so stoned!

  7. 1smallmoose
    1smallmoose says:

    This is just like the night she told us ALL about the new house. The rooms and patio, furniture and how exciting it all is! How happy she was! We saw what happened to that and it will again with this stuff IMO. Thanks Monty ❤️

  8. LadyDMA
    LadyDMA says:

    She just met him and is talking about getting married to a complete stranger. She is in dreamland and is fantasizing and romanticizing this marriage. She has no idea how a surrogate and adoption works, with her mental health and finances (owing taxes), she will never qualify!

  9. Gemini
    Gemini says:

    This entire situation is crazy, cringe, and in my opinion fraud. If she were in the US of A I would report her for Fraud. I'm sorry I missed the stream. Could this be so she doesn't have to go to court for Nader ??

  10. Katrina C
    Katrina C says:

    Sure Jan, when you stream with Salah in Kuwait, I'll believe it, until then, keep dreaming! There's no substances in Kuwait Chantal, what are you going to do?? Look at you at the end of this live, high as a kite! Delusional!

  11. Helen helen
    Helen helen says:

    Anybody who believes she is going away let alone has a boyfriend besides seeing neadar again is getting a free vacation in the mansion plus you will get free nut salsa 🤪.

  12. Miranda H
    Miranda H says:

    Chantal, Florida and Floridians are amazing. You don’t know ANYTHING about US politics or anything else about how this country works! Conservatives are NOT what Twitter and CNN claims!! And if you haven’t noticed, CNN is basically dead and has been sold off and Twitter is now owned by Elon who has already fired plenty of woke entitled brats that ban people for having a different opinion! I am so sick of people like Chantal and Peetz! Sorry for venting lol. I hate that I keep missing you going live! 😪 I hope I catch the next live. Thanks for keeping us up to date with FB so I don’t have to EVER go to her channel!! 💕💕💕

  13. LadyDMA
    LadyDMA says:

    This is crazy, she is mentally unfit and has lost her mind, She has lost her mind! She met him two weeks ago and now she is going to marry him. I think the only reason she would marry him, is if she is being paid to do it, which is fraud. I think she is heading for danger, why isn't her family getting involved? She is going to take off for six months and leave her place filthy.

  14. Loops
    Loops says:

    If she was seated next to me on the plane, I would insist on being moved. No way I'm having smelly armpits and fupa flopping all over me. If the flight is full, they can only move her so many times. Imagine the embarrassment.

  15. VJ
    VJ says:

    So much delusion. I fully expect a breakup beeze. Has she ever mentioned anything about shots required? She has to be up-to-date on shots required from her province. Other shots are suggested for travel to Kuwait.

  16. CC
    CC says:

    Here is all the love bombing she never got from Nader, It won't last long. LOL I can't wait for this downfall, I don't know anyone who deserves it more than our Queen Chantal.


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