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Cooking #SHOPPING #Foodie #Chicken #Pork #Pizza #Beef #Steak #EGGS FOOD PRICES & INFLATION KEEP RISING!

46 replies
  1. Proud AM
    Proud AM says:

    Just came back from the dollar tree…..bought (10) one gallon jugs of Crystal Geyser water $1.25 each Walmart had it for $1.38 each. Not drinking from tap cause they put chlorine in it. Recently bought some cloths from Walmart they have good prices. Good video upload 👍👍

  2. 460XR
    460XR says:

    Keep these posts coming
    Love watching your channel
    Never thought I’d see the day that the USA food prices are becoming the same as Australia
    EXPENSIVE!!! Both countries it’s ridiculous!

  3. Carla Quattlebaum
    Carla Quattlebaum says:

    Good grief, that grill is out on display with rust in the corner?? Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in an item that's going to cost close to $650 after tax. Hope they're not wondering why none are selling!

  4. Butterfly
    Butterfly says:

    I wonder what region and market you're shopping in? Corporations charge different prices for the same items based on the local economy and median wages in that region. When teenagers can begin their working career at McDonalds or Kroger starting at a wage of 15 or 16 dollars an hour, then a family size frozen mac and cheese isn't that expensive at 8.18 a box. A teenager could buy that box, cook it up, refrigerate the leftovers and eat maybe 3 times from it. 3 meals for 1/2 hour of work isn't that outrageous. The federal government and the Fed bank created 7 trillion dollars of new money in circulation during the 2 years following the onset of the pandemic. That money is in circulation and is here to stay. That means the cost of everything went up, including wages. That is considering every member of society actually quits their job and starts a new one at higher wages. At least 50 percent of America probably won't quit their job and find a new one. So, the end result of the Federal government's missteps is that people staying at their jobs they've had for years and people on fixed income like retirees are permanently damaged financially because their expenses have gone up 30% in the past 3 years but their income has either stayed completely flat or gone up by a much lesser percentage like 5% or so over the course of 3 years. We have our politicians to thank for this, democrat and republican alike. They are the true cause of our harm.

  5. suzanne Baker
    suzanne Baker says:

    I love dill. I put it on my sunny side up eggs and it's the bomb!!! I'll have to try it in sour cream. I eat the daisy regular too. The light just doesn't taste right to me. Goes to show you can't skimp on certain things.

  6. jeffw1267
    jeffw1267 says:

    Paying that much for car seats and strollers is insane. You can get them at a thrift store for cheap. Some people just leave them out for free on the sidewalk for people to pick up. If I needed those things, I would just ask everyone I knew. Somebody will want to help a new mother.

  7. Slack Hoffman
    Slack Hoffman says:

    Stick with the cotton dude !! Polyester will give you 50 thousand volts in the Florida humidity ……cotton is breathable and natural, polyester is spun from highly toxic plastic 😅
    Nice one ☝️ Scotty 💙

  8. Lucia Mixon
    Lucia Mixon says:

    I'm glad I've bought practical low cost items/back ups for around the house. Step stool, drink cooler, grocery cart, light lanterns and fans. It may be better to pay interest as we don't know when price will double+ or even be available.

  9. michael jacobs
    michael jacobs says:

    Well you are missing out on those reduced specials. That is a great way to beat inflation. If you freeze all those discounted meats right away it will amount to a significant savings. Half of my freezer is filled with those.

  10. Maddie Vids
    Maddie Vids says:

    Always buy Cotton not Polyester as made from plastic (petroleum-based products) is a fabric to avoid when the heat is on. It does not breathe well and it does not absorb sweat very well


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