Food Pantry Haul & Food Bank Haul! Frugal Living & Minimalism Vlog -Frugal – Food Pantry Meal – Meal

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Food Pantry Haul & Meals video are here! The cost of living and the price of food has increased so much that many people use a …

13 replies
  1. Helen Shack
    Helen Shack says:

    That white milky cheese is an Italian style Bocacino cheese. The tomatoe /cheese / basil combo is called caprese salad in a fancy restaurant. I see you got a dressing for it. That’s usually a vinegarette using balsamic and olive oil. I’m not sure I would store that half slice of tomato. It’s going to get mushy. That cheese should be stored in a container with a bit of water covering it unless you plan to eat it right away 😊

  2. Blessed Momma
    Blessed Momma says:

    We got some much needed rain in my area yesterday. I wish we had a good thrift store, we have an overpriced goodwill. I'm glad you have a wonderful food pantry where you can get great healthy food. God bless.

  3. Judy Griffing
    Judy Griffing says:

    Hi Sarah! 👋🏻 Great video and what a great haul! You really scored at the pantry and thrift store. I wish the thrift stores around here were like yours. Prices are outrageous-so greedy. 😡 Send some rain out west! Looks like you got a good soaking. We are unfortunately very dry. Regarding going out in your slippers…some years ago I used to like to go to the Hollywood cemeteries and look at the headstones of the stars and managed to leave the house in flip-flops (something I refuse to wear out) and didn’t notice on the hour drive there. It was only when I got out of the car did I realize and was very uncomfortable the entire time. Gotta slow down, I suppose. Now, I have a checklist to follow before I get in the car. The joys of getting older! 😀 Hope the rest of your week goes well. 👋🏻 Judy

  4. Disabled and Prepping
    Disabled and Prepping says:

    Just an FYI those terragons they can be replanted and it will grow for you. Homestead Tessie, does it all the time. When I go to commodities and the food pantry I'm always looking for spices like that so that I can try at least one sprig to see if I can get it to grow.


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