Food Bank/Pantry Haul: 09/20/22

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Welcome! We are a homesteading, homeschooling family of 7. Due to recent events (job loss/career change, health issues, rising …

28 replies
  1. robbie anderson
    robbie anderson says:

    That was a great assortment from your food pantry haul. Especially the guacamole… That’s expensive stuff. I didn’t realize a person could freeze it but if I find it on sale I will pick it up and freeze most of it. Have a great day

  2. Mama Baird's Homestead
    Mama Baird's Homestead says:

    That is smart that you load up from that take as much as you want table. You know I do the same! It will literally get thrown away if people don't take it. What a score on the baby pouches!! That guac would be good for you on a low carb tortilla with some turkey or something. Yum!
    I'm so sorry you can't have caffeine!! Oh man! I would be a totally different person! Haha. Great haul! Thanks for sharing

  3. Teresa Yb.
    Teresa Yb. says:

    I buy liquid stevia ina squeeze bottle from Walmart and add a squirt to my sparkling water. I will drink it without, but I like it better sweetened. Grapefruit flavor is my favorite

  4. Desert Family Homestead
    Desert Family Homestead says:

    Great haul!! In these uncertain times and food costs going up and up and being thin on the shelves I am trying to can every bit of produce that I can now. At our produce distribution on Saturday we had blackberries and some of them weren’t so good so I sorted through the “bad” ones and my chip and ducks got the bad ones and the rest I canned this morning in a simple syrup(5 1/2 pints) and 2 pints of blackberry syrup(I boiled down the remaining liquid in the pot after cooking the berries). Same thing happened with the Roma tomatoes(I ended up with double the amount of tomatoes than what we gave out) and so far I made 2 pints of tomato sauce and I have the rest to deal with now. We also had Tuscan Cantaloupe, which my family had never had before and I saved seeds from one of them to grow next year. I got 4 bags of mandarin oranges and tomorrow I am making a jam with a couple of the bags of them. We ate the potatoes on Sunday and my daughter has been eating the strawberries but I will be freezing some of them too.
    We have two trips coming up, one the end of October that is a weekend livestock show for our daughter and granddaughter and we will be staying in a hotel but luckily for food our 4H group potlucks it for all the meals which saves a lot of money. Then my cousin is getting married in Oklahoma and I am making her cake on the 12th of November and we are driving there from Arizona and staying in a hotel that week too. So needless to say we have some expenses coming up along with Christmas so I have decided to cut our grocery bill down to the bare minimum of $300/mo and we have 5 people(luckily father in law gets meals on wheels for his lunches) in our house. Although November I won’t spend that much since we won’t be home for two weeks but we will have to do some eating out during that time and eat one meal a day out while traveling(supper) as we take breakfast, sandwiches and snacks for road trips. We are leaving the 5th wheel at home because it needs some work done to it and we can save a ton in fuel not hauling it and make better time in driving also. Plus saving money for a down payment on a new property for our move next spring 🙀

  5. Carol Mailki
    Carol Mailki says:

    I love the orange American water. I am low carb too and I miss orange juice. Orange water isn’t the same but better than nothing. That’s a lot of lettuce. Time for taco bowls! I think I’d can the peaches for winter. Enjoy!

  6. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    Great haul! I love that clear American water it's from Walmart I get the 32oz bottles of peach water and they are .70 cents each I now have all of my kids drinking them as well. Hope you have e a wonderful week.


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