Five Dry Beans That Should Always Be In Your Pantry

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Beans! Legumes! Pulses?! Whatever you like to call them, they’re essential ingredients on a whole food, starch-based vegan diet. They’re so delicious and …

31 replies
  1. Ima Purnomo
    Ima Purnomo says:

    That mix bean soup is a staple in my house. When i go plant based, i simply go back to basic and use them more often. Healthy eating is not only good for our body, it’s also good on our wallet. You got no idea how much money i save for no longer buying oil, cheese, meat & eggs. They’re pricey and not so good for the body.

  2. Garden Jen's Journey
    Garden Jen's Journey says:

    Great video !!! I love cooking beans in my insta pot. I try to remember to soak my beans if possible, to get rid of the phytic acid. Helps them be digested easier also. But if you forget, they still cook fine.

    Great tip on the soy curls!! I will try that.

  3. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    High in great vegi protein, Jeff Novick talks about leaving a can of beans, or some homemade, open in the fridge, and adding a couple tablespoons full to a meal to give it a boost. Since then I have beans with almost every meal. My fave lentil has become the French Lentil. Tasty, and holds it's shape. You have inspired me to cook lentils, or green/yellow peas with my brown rice, along with some dried soup vegs. A blaster of sorts. Basically lazy cooking. Great with salad fixins as a side or wilted right in. Love this video. So much fear out there about anything that contains carbs. All vegi foods have some level of fats, proteins, and carbs. Beans are strong on proteins. Nice to know.

  4. Sherry Ellesson
    Sherry Ellesson says:

    I love having beans in/on almost everything. There's always a batch of some kind "in the works" in my kitchen. Just recently got some soy curls and looking forward to experimenting with them. I'd add white/navy beans to the must-haves for bean paste, which can be used in place of mayo on sandwiches.


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