First Time Making Instant Pot Cheesecake

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My first time making Instant Pot cheesecake. It was almost a disaster but in the end, the cheesecake came out pretty good. And the kids enjoyed making it with …

5 replies
  1. Ellen Hall
    Ellen Hall says:

    A natural release means you let the pressure release on it's own. When it does a natural release, it is still cooking during that time as it is releasing. What you did was a quick release. That is why it was runny. Needed more cooking time.

  2. Katre Ambrazas
    Katre Ambrazas says:

    My god, you're a saint! I would have had a meltdown myself with this much help 😆
    I made a very similar recipe, with sour cream and all, only my one is in an 8"pan. It turned out dryer and had a crack, dang it! And I only cooked it for 28 minutes, so go figure. It's currently setting in the fridge, waiting to be sliced into in the morning. Good idea putting cherries on top- will definitely do it as well, will be more presentable 🙂 really enjoyed your video

  3. C D Hanks
    C D Hanks says:

    I am a new Instant Pot user and I absolutely love these videos but wish instead of quickly going through a list
    of ingredients, as very few of us have a photographic memory and need a list of ingredients for shopping and cooking.
    I like to do a screen grab of the finished dish and print the ingredients and instructions on same sheet.
    Please take the time to list the ingredients and instructions. It would be very easy to copy and paste from web site.
    Thank you.

  4. Anna Kat Napier
    Anna Kat Napier says:

    Loved this video! The recipe looked unique because of the sour cream. I wonder if that contributed to the softer texture. I thought your kids were hysterical, especially when your son kept saying he was your One Happy Housewife. Too cute!


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