Finding Joy in Simple Living – Grocery Haul and From Scratch Cooking

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This week we I will be showing you the everyday beauty that surrounds our life on our homestead. We will be making 2 different …

15 replies
  1. @cherbuchanan7179
    @cherbuchanan7179 says:

    Love love your videos❣️ I thought I was busy raising two kids. I hope that you know you’re amazing, wow you work sooo hard!! I hope you have time sometimes to rest. God Bless you and your little family❣️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. @xbemos
    @xbemos says:

    I feel bad at how many comments pry into personal details for reasons that are not loving on channels like this that are producing supportive and pure content.
    These are glorious videos made w honesty and pure heart. Just love the submission to God and service to family that always exudes from your content.

  3. @marie3539
    @marie3539 says:

    Dont understand why you are wearing your baby on your back. Cooking, bending and gardening that baby cant sleep restful when you are moving all over. You gave birth all ready that the baby have some space cut the CORD .

  4. @arizonamom8773
    @arizonamom8773 says:

    Thanks for the video. I enjoyed watching how you make cheeses. The irises are lovely and purple is such a beautiful color. The pasta soup/bowl looks great – will try.
    Have a blessed week during the month of The Sacred Heart🙏

  5. @alindalt2897
    @alindalt2897 says:

    Rhubarb jelly…. My mother always made it and it is one of my children's favorite! Just plain red rhubarb… Its a beautiful red jelly… so not sure what a green rhubarb jelly would look like! I place my stalks in a steam juice, as if I were steaming grapes, and extract the juice, then use it to make a jelly. Green rhubarb Could be fun! Also mine enjoy a rhubarb strawberry pie. I love my rhubarb patch!!

  6. @littlethimblehalffull
    @littlethimblehalffull says:

    Thank you for another lovely video, Justine! Could you please let me know what kind of water filtration you use? I see the large metal container on your counter and was curious. We are looking to do away with plastic water bottles but are not sure what to use. Thank you, and God bless! ❤


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