Find out THE SECRET ingredient to making amazing Bean Soup.

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Do you ever wonder what makes some Bean Soups taste so amazing? Do you love a rich and hearty, stick to your ribs bean soup …

2 replies
  1. Allegra
    Allegra says:

    Ps. Just watched your horseradish harvest. It’s such a giving plant!! Never used a blender to process, always grate by hand on box grater. A labor of love! The fumes!!!My Slovenian sister in law adds finely diced/puréed fresh apple to hers. We prefer it straight up with just vinegar.

  2. Allegra
    Allegra says:

    I was making bean soup today and scrolling through Slovenian recipes. ( my husband was born there). Found your video. The red paprika (pepper) sauce you have is called AJVAR (pronounced EYE VAR) Our family typically uses it for a condiment with grilled meats. My family is from Croatia so recipes are often the same.throughout that region You could substitute dry paprika if you don’t have Ajvar.
    Your recipe is nice. Have you considered sautéing the veg in a bit of olive oil and then adding to your beans? This is what my mom did. Thx for sharing. I’m amazed your video popped up!! Kismet!
    Funny what we all have in common sometimes! I’ll be doing almost the same as you, but omitting the potatoes and adding a smidge of tomato paste when I fry those veg! Learned that from an older Italian lady! Going to look at the rest of your channel now. 😊


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