Filipino Instant Pot Leche Flan

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Filipino Instant Pot Leche Flan Dad got his Lila’s recipe for Filipino Leche Flan and converted it to work in the instant pot.

20 replies
  1. Island Candies
    Island Candies says:

    Hi Dad, what would be the time in a 3 qt instantpot? Do I do a quick release too?
    6 qt is 1000 watt and 3 qt is 700 watt.
    I’ll also use a 6” inner pOt that works with my 3 qt.
    Please help asap. 🤞🙏🥺

  2. Sabela Butters
    Sabela Butters says:

    Thank you for sharing the recipe. I followed your recipe to the T, and the results…….super delicious! Texture was firm and just the right level of sweetness. Did my 2nd flan 2 hours ago for tomorrow's dessert.

  3. Parnell The Chef
    Parnell The Chef says:

    Wow, great recipe!
    Thanks for showing us how to make the caramel: resisting the temptation to stir is not easy!
    Also, thanks for showing how to separate the yolks from the whites.
    Your flan turned out great! I am sure it was hard to resist the temptation to dig in. Thanks for sharing. Subbed for more!


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