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When I think of FIDEO WITH GROUND BEEF AND POTATOES, I think of my childhood, I remember coming home from school and …

33 replies
  1. Guadalupe Rodriguez
    Guadalupe Rodriguez says:

    Hello ma’am that is amazing and I’m very proud of you to go in your mothers footsteps. My wife makes it the same way. I am very happy for you. That looks amazing and it looks delicious. God bless you and your family LupeSylvia Rodriguez.

  2. Denise Hamernik
    Denise Hamernik says:

    Hi Rachel! I only recently discovered your videos and am I glad I did. I have heard people talk about Fideo but never knew what was in it or it’s origin. I can’t wait to make this and try it! I have family members that I know are going to love it too! And of course I have to serve it with homemade beans and flour tortillas but I have never made corn tortillas so I will have to buy those. It looks sooo delicious I’m going to the market to get the ingredients. Thank you for sharing this recipe 😊

  3. Space Chimp
    Space Chimp says:

    Miss Rachel, how do you make your refried beans? I have a great mexican fried rice recipe, but my beans never taste like the ones at a good mexican food restaurant! I have made your carne quisada 3 times! We love it! Going to try this recipe next! Thank you so much for sharing you recipes! God bless you and your family!❤

  4. Linda Catalano
    Linda Catalano says:

    I love the food you make. I've made quite a few of your recipes. One is better than the one before!!! Thanks for sharing your food. You do make it with love! Ron is a very lucky man!!

  5. Rosalea Corle
    Rosalea Corle says:

    I like fideo without all the other ingredients..but we have beans and tortillas with fideo and we have to have hot pepper. My dad's meal had to have hot pepper on the side… was very yummy.

  6. Doug Matthew
    Doug Matthew says:

    My husband and I made this wonderful soup yesterday.
    Oh my goodness was it delicious, We have plenty of leftovers for tomorrow nights supper.
    Another wonderful recipe Rachel.
    We enjoy watching you cook.
    Thank you very much. Candice and Doug Matthew
    P.S. I like that your a very clean cook. ❤

  7. Lisa Hespen
    Lisa Hespen says:

    My mother was from Laredo, TX and cooked her dishes very similar to yours. Whenever I need to remember the way my mom cooked one of her amazing meals, I watch you to make sure I don’t forget anything. Thank you for bringing my mother back to me. ❤️❤️❤️

    PS. She used to watch your channel. She just passed away 4/23/2023. I miss her everyday.

  8. Jane DelaRosa
    Jane DelaRosa says:

    Rachel, I made your fideo recipe and it was out of this world. My husband really enjoyed this recipe as well as I did. All that flavor in this meal was nothing but delicious. Thanks Jane

  9. H Tamez
    H Tamez says:

    Rachel, I’ve been following you for several months now and I feel as if we could have been great friends. Your recipes are very, very similar to my mother’s recipes. I had forgotten some of them, but your recipes help me remember what I was missing. I,too, use the molcajete for my spices. It makes all the difference. I wish I could meet you in person some day. I live in Texas too.


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