Felicia Day plays Dredge! Part 4!

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My play-through of Dredge! Original air-date: April 18th 2023. Check out my Discord at https://discord.gg/feliciaday — Watch live at …

7 replies
  1. Mister Unlikely
    Mister Unlikely says:

    Huge fan. Looking at what was shown in your labs, though, I would suggest talking to a kidney doctor because they may have an idea of why certain things are getting into your urine. I noticed Creatinine was within the hire side of normal, which likely means that cutting down on red meats seems like a good idea. The heavy metals seem really odd because those are usually boneseekers, which means you were likely in sustained contact with high concentrations of the heavier metals.

  2. Paul Wallis
    Paul Wallis says:

    What it means is you live in LA, the chemistry dating agency of the last 60 years. Either that or your role play has gone to a new level. "O rapturous day…" They saw you coming.


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