Feed YOUR Family For $50 in 2024! PLUS 20K FREE GROCERIES GIVEAWAY! #frugalmeal #savemoney #recipe

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Hey, Y’all!!! I am so excited about today’s video! I am going to show you how to feed your family for just $50! I will take you through, …

31 replies
  1. @jessicas.9859
    @jessicas.9859 says:

    I followed and subscribed! I Love this video!! I so appreciate the ideas and your honesty. I have wanted to make my own hotdog buns forever, but always chicken out or lack the motivation. Thanks for the motivation to just do it!

  2. @sueperez21
    @sueperez21 says:

    This is a great video. I love your meal plan and options for these budget meals 😋
    I am subscribed and been following you for awhile now. 😀 Love your videos 🎉🎉❤❤❤ Great giveaway for your followers 😀 Very sweet and generous of you 🎉😊❤
    We Love You back ♥💓

  3. @allyrooh3628
    @allyrooh3628 says:

    Your honesty is so refreshing and inspiring. It's so hard to be a big girl somedays. Proud of you! Going to go watch your sourdough video. I tried (and failed) growing a starter in 2020 like everyone else. It's time to give it a try again! Thanks for sharing your week of meals with us. P.S. I also scored at an estate sale–I got a huge seasoned cast iron skillet. I've used it for every meal since I got it. I went to instagram and followed, I'm already here, and I'm set up for notifications (always have been 🙂)

  4. @beckywhinery4652
    @beckywhinery4652 says:

    I so love all of the videos!
    I just recently started making a quick baking powder bread with the egg and buttermilk. Was the same recipe as the sourdough but the wet was buttermilk.
    Thank you for taking the time show us your ways 🎉❤


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