Faux Mashed Potatoes in the Instant Pot

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Get your Instant Pot! http://goo.gl/n2J4Tw GREAT MEALS IN A BIG TRUCK! Andrea asked her husband Jai, if he wanted to drive a semi with her? He said “Let’s …

17 replies
  1. Becky Manning
    Becky Manning says:

    Andrea, Been thinking of you lots and hope your doing well. I look at your videos alot to refresh my memory and kinda have a plan ready. If you have extra does it freeze and reheat well? I'm getting things in order, thoughts and all, for when we are on the truck, Becky

  2. Stephen N
    Stephen N says:

    My wife makes an Alfredo sauce out of cauliflower that is really good. I'll need to try these "potatoes" because if they taste anywhere near as good as they looked, yum! Thanks!

  3. omar z
    omar z says:

    Im a big fan of your you tube channel and thinking about driving for xpo. I read that xpo closed some terminals . Which terminals are still open for your division? Thanks.

  4. terry sennhenn
    terry sennhenn says:

    I don't think Jai is going very far from your cooking Andrea. That look on his face, priceless. I think you could start a cooking channel for us bachelors, who even though we have kitchens, we need simple ideas on what to make. I have a instant pot by the way.


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