Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2 (1080p) FULL MOVIE – Documentary, Health, Wellness

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In 2010, Joe Cross took viewers on his journey from overweight and sick to healthy and fit via a 60-day juice fast in the …

10 replies
  1. tipitoe
    tipitoe says:

    It started as a solution. Somewhere on the way it became reboot. Juicing is absolutely not sustainable. I’m waiting for the next part showing consequences of drinking toxic plants.

  2. Ron Gallagher
    Ron Gallagher says:

    I love Dean Ornish, BUT some do choose to make it a Moral judgement. That's the definition of Veganism, not wanting to exploit animals. If you do not embrace a higher purpose but rather focus purely on yourself and your own health issues you will far more often fall off the wagon. If on the other hand you focus on Others be they fellow humans or animals then it's harder to simply give-up and abandon the course.

  3. tipitoe
    tipitoe says:

    To mother of the six year old with arthritis. Your son has serious autoimmune condition. Juicing is not s solution. Look up on YT name Mikhaila Peterson. Exactly the same case!

  4. 5th dimension living
    5th dimension living says:

    Well done Joe👍 on a fascinating documentary..thank you for sharing your own life journey. I think I better get back into juicing !? I’ve done it in the past and yes it does make you feel great and alert. It’s just all the prep, cutting, cleaning that you need to do when we you juice but I’ll work on that 👍

  5. Will Smith
    Will Smith says:

    A juice only life style is no different from just eating accidentally to a calorie restricted diet. A juice diet is not the cure all for weight lose or overall health reasons. I have a family member who is a 100 % vegetarian and is over weight. She’s been a vegetarian for years on end.

    I don’t trust the medical establishment or the government when it comes to healthy eating.


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