Fat Free Collard Greens (Vegan, WFPB)

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This is definitely my favorite time of year to enjoy collard greens! Once the weather cools down and the first frost hits, the level of …

8 replies
  1. Tak Tak
    Tak Tak says:

    I noticed in a lot of your videos you do not use much salt… I would love to know how you were able to limit or remove salt from your recipes. I’m finally diving into the plant based life, but I’ve noticed that if I don’t use a salty vegetable broth, (I almost never use bouillon unless I can find one without oil or sugar, which is pretty impossible!) I tend to add a lot of salt just to make it “edible” lol. I assume I’m just used to heavily salted food, but I’d appreciate any tips you have so I can start to make real plant based meals taste awesome without so much sodium! 😊😊😊 Thanks for all the awesome vids!


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