Fastest Easiest Vegan General Tso’s Recipe!

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This is the fastest and easiest Vegan General Tso’s Recipe I can do. If you already have the rice cooked, it’s less than 30 minutes …

4 replies
  1. Travis Hanson
    Travis Hanson says:

    I love this, thank you for sharing your recipes. I am a culinary arts instructor at a college up in northern Minnesota. I am so making this for my class on Thursday! I am not vegan or vegetarian, but love all aspects of culinary. I feel that vegetarian and Vegan meals are vastly underappreciated by folks that are not of those dietary ideals (if that makes any sense…

  2. Matt Renaud
    Matt Renaud says:

    I am not vegan but I LOVE this channel. I have gotten lots of great ideas from you guys and everything you cook looks awesome. And thanks to you I have both expanded my palate and gotten much more comfortable with more non-meat options. Thank you so much for sharing your recipes and ideas.


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