FAST High-Protein Vegan Meal Prep (1 Hour Per Week!)

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34 replies
  1. DRD
    DRD says:

    I’ve been searching for meal prep ideas. But the idea of eating the same food everyday for a week is boring and I’m turned off before even starting. I might use this suggestion for 1-2 days but I need more variety to keep myself motivated to want to eat healthy.

  2. Kristi N
    Kristi N says:

    I would be thrilled if I could eat 2000 calories a day!!! I am a petite 74 yr old disabled woman and I have to be below 1000….not easy if you like food. 😢

  3. muminka
    muminka says:

    Why would anyone eat 7 days old porridge instead of making it daily – it’s done in minutes??? This meal prep stuff never seizes to amaze me. Does anyone really do this or is this just for youtube. Also the pre-sliced fruit and veg loses vitamins over time. That’s crazy

  4. Sherrilee Bryan
    Sherrilee Bryan says:

    This looks absolutely delicious BUT the main meal of the day worries me as I don’t like my meals too hot or too spicy, can someone please suggest what I can do other than omitting the chilli powder, definitely jalapeño spice can go but without ruining my first attempt to try these, how much can I add of the chilli powder instead of the said amount, really looking forward to prepping these…also what size are the dishes used for each meal, they look huge ?

  5. booyagames
    booyagames says:

    Thank you so much for this!! I’m not vegan but I really do like eating as a vegan. I’m starting an 8 week challenge and would like to not rely on supplements too much

  6. Richard Skolasky
    Richard Skolasky says:

    This is a great meal prep video. I can't to try this out in my kitchen. One question, where did you get your meal prep glassware? Impressive! I am moving away from plastic containers and would love some recommendations. Thank you, in advance!

  7. Martin Bolha
    Martin Bolha says:

    I was waiting for this for so long, thank you so much <3 One question, you use maple syrup, wouldn't it be better to use date syrup since it's the only sweetener (to my knowledge) witch is actually nutritious? (fiber, protein)

  8. BeanBurrito
    BeanBurrito says:

    Finally a gym bug that doesn't use excessive oil use even olive oil ❤. It gets on my danm nerves that every other cook uses so much danm olive oil. Its not a whole food and its unhealthy ❤

  9. Optivex
    Optivex says:

    I am guessing rinsing the canned beans helps reduce the fodmaps? I notice my beans don't smell like farts if I have rinsed them 🙂 which was making me a little embarrassed when I break out my lunch box at work. Great video, very organized!


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