Family Dinners For The Jewish 9 Days

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The first 9 days of the Jewish month of Av, are days of mourning for the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Holy Temples. During this …

49 replies
  1. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    Great ideas i love the French onion soup recipe it looks easier than any other one i have seen and delicious. Thank You. What is the 9 days???

  2. Gran de Gràcia
    Gran de Gràcia says:

    I’m from Central Europe, where we eat soup for lunch every day as an appetizer. No matter how hot it is.

    Also, just a recommendation, mushrooms can be pan fried without oil (at least these champignon mushrooms), and that way they suck up less oil and brown nicer.

  3. Marzena K
    Marzena K says:

    The little scene with your littlest boy and making the soup was so sweet it almost brought tears to my eyes, it reminded me of being a tiny little girl and watching my Mama making soup too, and I would watch as she cut up the celery and carrots, and I'm sure I asked all sorts of questions. The "bye bye soup!" at the end just melted my heart. You are such a good Mama Sonya, your kids are blessed to have you, and I feel blessed to be able to share a bit of your life through your lovely videos, that have also brought me so much comfort, inspiration and motivation for cooking and cleaning my own home, which can be difficult for me because I struggle badly with chronic illness. You are a treasure and a light in the world, to your beautiful family, to us, and I'm sure to everyone who has the pleasure of meeting you. Thank you so much for being here, and for being you. 💖💖

  4. Lissy
    Lissy says:

    I came back to say that I made your Vodkaless penne for me and my husband tonight and it was absolutely delicious! I’m not Jewish but I love your channel and your recipes! Thank you!

  5. Elizabeth Bowie
    Elizabeth Bowie says:

    I eat soup in the summer. My apt. is tiny, so the a.c. cools it off really quickly. A cup of soup is good !! & Sometimes I'm in the mood for a light supper, especially if I had a big supper the night before. I remember an old ad for Campbell's Soup, where they said, "Soup is good food,"!! Homemade soup is even better. 💗

  6. Yulia Spevak
    Yulia Spevak says:

    Tell me you're from Soviet Union country without telling me😂Dill, bay leaves, soup in summer😅 My Mom taught me soup at least once a day it's healthy 😉 love your pots and recipes! Especially that baked potatoes. Want to make them. What about sirniki, do you make it for your family?

  7. Lizeth Sal y Rosas Soto
    Lizeth Sal y Rosas Soto says:

    Porfavor hermana podria subtitular al español para que en Peru podamos Las Mujeres Virtuosas avanzar con mayor efectividad en nuestros hogares, sus recetas son estupendas. Gracias a Hashem, Bendiciones👩‍👧✡🌿🌿

  8. JJ
    JJ says:

    This looks so amazing that I want to eat my phone! But please do tell us dear Sonia, do your kids REALLY eat all this beautiful and sophisticated delicious food?? Or is this just for content? I ask because I'm always begging my kids to eat my nicely prepared food!❤ Don't know how you do it with little ones under foot and your time for such cooking!!! What is your secret please 😂😂

  9. Courtney Oreilly
    Courtney Oreilly says:

    I just love your channel. I am not Jewish, but I do live in a suburb in Manchester England that has a large population of Jewish people, the second largest in England. Most of my neighbours are Jewish, during their Jewish holidays they always try to include my family – which I love and it made me want to learn more about their culture.

    As a Catholic I do see a lot of parallels between both my religion and that of Jews.

  10. Susan Brown
    Susan Brown says:

    Hi Sonya! What a great video! Everything looked so delicious…esp that sushi cake (looks more like a sushi pizza!). I just LOVE your videos and sweet family! 💕💕💕

  11. charnell2681
    charnell2681 says:

    Hi, Sonya I hope all is well. My name is Charnell, First let me just say you're an amazing mom. Not sure how I stumbled across your channel but as i'm watching you prepare these delicious meals
    I saw one of your little guys on the screen then it hit me. Not sure if you remember but I was your boys bus driver for the day camp earlier this month. You have very respectful children, not one time did I have to change their seats. Actually your oldest was a very big help one day the counselor wasn't on the bus. He helped me make sure all the kids were sitting while I was driving, and made sure everyone walked into their homes before leaving the stop. I too am a mother of 5, and at times I don't know how I manage to get things done but somehow everything just works out. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, please say hello to the family.

  12. Lisa Savarno
    Lisa Savarno says:

    Everything looks phenomenal, as always😋Love soup all year round. French Onion soup is one of my favs. I’m going to give all of your recipes a try. I really enjoy all of your videos. God Bless and have a fantastic week🦋🩷

  13. Pamela A Bettis
    Pamela A Bettis says:

    We only eat soup in the late fall and winter. We live in Texas and when all of July, August and most of September is over 100 hot dishes don’t enter my mind. We eat a lot of cold salads then with watermelon and cantaloupe! 🥵I’m definitely going to try the penne recipie!

  14. Patricia Francis
    Patricia Francis says:

    Your right you can't taste the vodka. You add it to this sauce because it is tasteless but works its magic in other ways. In chemistry we learn how certain substances brake down things, while others bond together etc. Here the alcohol works with the compounds in the tomatoes to release flavor compounds that would have remained hidden. The alcohol cooks off and you use only a small amount.


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