Fall What I Eat in a Day

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What I’m Wearing// Zahraa The Label Body Shirt: https://bit.ly/3CNfwcG Vela Scarves Bamboo Hijab: …

42 replies
  1. Paper Planecrash
    Paper Planecrash says:

    Do not dump domestic ducks at a pond. This is a death sentence for these ducks as they are unable to fend for themselves. Find them a proper home or take them to a rescue. Please inform your viewers of this. Domestic duck breeds are not temporary pets to be released into the wild. They die horrible deaths this way, and this is also not legal in most states. This is a serious issue that needs awareness.

  2. Neliza Drew
    Neliza Drew says:

    Don't dump ducks!
    Domestic ducks can't survive on their own. Dumping them is a death sentence.
    There are duck rescues you can contact instead.
    Casually suggesting dumping pets is so awful.

  3. Michael S
    Michael S says:


    Domestic ducks are too big to fly, they have 0 survival skills and will NOT SURVIVE. Give them to an actual loving home or rescue that will actually care for them

  4. a-roh
    a-roh says:

    please communicate that to your mother-in-law about the ducklings. what she is about to do is illegal and would be prosecuted as misdemeanor animal cruelty in texas. please find a home for them that is prepared to take care of them for the rest of their natural lives.

  5. a-roh
    a-roh says:

    please please please do not let those ducklings go. they are purchased from a store so they are domesticated and they will die if you release them. it's a huge problem, people buy them thinking that they will survive on their own and they are not wild animals. it's illegal in most states to do that. do not dump ducks. they are not play things for your kids. do not buy animals if you cannot commit to taking care of them for their entire lives.

  6. Loubna
    Loubna says:

    Salam aleykoum Leena! Thank you for your vlog! Fall is my favorite season❤️
    Welcome to Alberta for your charity trip. We live in Calgary and we often go to Banff who is more popular but I love Canmore (downtown) too😍. If you want to know easy hikes let me know 👍🏻

  7. Hina Khan
    Hina Khan says:

    Could you please appeal for the people of Pakistan please. As you can check from the news that devastation in the country is beyond description because of the flooding.

  8. JustForTheRecord387
    JustForTheRecord387 says:

    Please do not release the ducks in the wild. They are domesticated and will not learn the vital life skills that their mother would have taught them in the wild. Buying animals with the intention of releasing them in the wild is so cruel.


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