Fall in Love With a Healthy Nutritarian Lifestyle with Jenna Fuhrman + Mushroom Taco Recipe!

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16 replies
  1. Julie Berg
    Julie Berg says:

    What a delicious looking taco! I don't find fresh mushrooms very often in my rural Minnesotan grocery stores other than basic white button variety. Will look for them when in the city visiting Whole Foods. Fun interview, thanks Chef AJ!

  2. D J.H
    D J.H says:

    Two incredibly beautiful women! what a great advertisement for whole plant food/nutritarian diet.😃 Thankyou for discussing food addiction, would love it if you could dig deeper on that perhaps when Joel or Jenna are next the show? Or both of them, that’d be special!!

  3. Geoffrey Campbell
    Geoffrey Campbell says:

    What a strong testimonial for Dr. Joel Fuhrman, this will permanently increase my respect for Dr. Fuhrman, his daughter's testimonial and especially strong evidence is that his daughter is very healthy on the Fuhrman protocol, she is so beautiful, obvious from listening to her that she is not deficient in mental acumen. This for me, removes all doubt in the nutritarian diet. I had been for a long time following Jeff Nelson, but after listening and more strongly, seeing her, I am confident that Dr. Fuhrman is correct about the nuts and seeds being important in one's diet, for a long while I had removed them from my diet but now, I realize I was misled by other videos by other You Tube sites. What is also pretty cool, is that this doctor is such a loving, wise father as evident by this video.

  4. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    Jenna Fuhrman is new to me. She is absolutely lovely and clearly her own person, yet there is a hint of the chip off the ol' block or perhaps more appropriately, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I thoroughly related to her story of tossing the food out that she brought to school. My mom used to make me sandwiches, Wonder white glue bread with lunch meats, like salami. I started tossing the sandwich bags up to the roof of my grammar school because at 10-years old, I much preferred fruit; after the toss I went to a small grocery store near school and now, at 64 y.o., I specifically recall buying peaches. Jenna's delightful and I look forward to watching the direction her career takes her or if she winds up taking over Dr. Fuhrman's center. I've really enjoyed all the interviews with the Fuhrman family members.😀👏

  5. petra tuccino
    petra tuccino says:

    As a Vegan for over 16 years, I think it's important to teach kids the truth about healthy food choices and the cruel animal agriculture business. It is unnecessary and unhealthy to eat our animal friends. Love you Chef AJ!

  6. tulabead
    tulabead says:

    If you subscribe to the Furhman site and you will be hounded with offers including unwanted supplements including dead fish oil. I expected better from this channel.

  7. Rohanna Wildon
    Rohanna Wildon says:

    Omg for Halloween we got 3 pieces of candy also and rest of the candy was placed out for the candy fairy 🧚‍♂️😂 and they left you a gift aka my FAVORITE PICKLES 😍

  8. Vaneta
    Vaneta says:

    Dr Joel Furhman was my start to healthy life style. I purchased every book the DVD’s he has, couldn’t get enough info. I loved seeing him prepare the foods in his family kitchen and hearing the stories of his kids diet journey!

  9. kathy heberle
    kathy heberle says:

    Great episode! I also have an unrelated question. As I am purging through old books before we move I came across a copy of my book, “Fit For Life” by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. This was the original book that started me on a vegan diet back in the ‘80s and I wondered if you have ever discussed it on your show?


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