Fake Muscle or Naw? #ketovore gains

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Response video to contouring my arm for a photo it’s real. It’s not going anywhere. Gettin fit with keto carnivore is doable even when you start from ZERO …

25 replies
  1. Kevin Nehrboss
    Kevin Nehrboss says:

    I actually was inspired to start lifting weights! You are beautiful, and you know it, it's obvious in most all your videos. You care a ton about your appearance. I am looking forward to having bebe guns one day as well. Lol never thought I could accomplish that, but hearing how you came from little upper body strength to now having visible muscle, it's very very encouraging!!! Thank you!

  2. Arkm Stick
    Arkm Stick says:

    Peronally haters are my muse; If someone takes the time to try and shoot me down fills me with joy in the knowing they are expending precious energy in a futile hope it makes themselves feel better, and I am the sourse to which they feel inferior. Take Heart Neisha that lesser minds are threatened by you.

  3. Bonnie Hess
    Bonnie Hess says:

    I really love both of your channels and especially the new farm channel, but I have to be honest, these responses to haters takes away from what your channel is all about. Please don't stoop to immature ppl on here. I just don't think it's your message 🤷🏻‍♀️ you and Dr. Berry have something great going…the above short video is a tit for tat and shows your letting ppl get to you, and you don't need to do that.🧐


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