Extreme Frugality Don't Waste Food – Time for a Stocktake #frugal #waste #extreme #poor

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It’s time for me to take stock & plan the weeks meals. I show you my stock and what we’ve had to eat this week. Frugal Queen in …

27 replies
  1. Carol Effner
    Carol Effner says:

    Well you got me to inventory my refrigerator freezer, which is packed to the gills with all kinds of containers! I live alone and am always freezing portions of food for lunch or dinner as usually what I cook is too much for just once. Wow! I found lots of stuff I didn't know was even in the freezer! I have enough, I think, to last me a whole month without cooking at all! Time to start eating it up! You are so practical and many of your dishes look delicious! Continue to inspire us!

  2. Michał Józef
    Michał Józef says:

    Con la ayuda del Dr. Agboya en YouTube, puede curar cualquier tipo de virus, PCOS, VIH, cáncer, herpes fibroide, 🌿🌿 HPV, PCOD std. Me diagnosticaron una infección de herpes después de usar el medicamento del Dr. Agboya en YouTube. yo estaba curado .

  3. Tutts Clump Cottage
    Tutts Clump Cottage says:

    My top tip to stop food wastage is only buy the food you know you will eat. Sounds simple right? but too often in the past I have bought food on the recommendation that it is "healthier", "cheaper", "tastier", more glamourous, in bulk, on sale,….you get the picture….then I found out it wasn't to my taste, too complicated to make, went bad too quickly, didn't fit into my timelines….then the crows enjoyed it. I now have a core list of essential ingredients I use all the time. I have also compiled a collection of 10 fail proof recipes for each cookbook catergory ie mains, salads, vegetables, snacks and sweets with a special eye for seasonal specials. For example I only make my tomato & zucchini casserole and corn fritters in August when these veggies are at their cheapest and their best. Back in time I used to grow almost all my own veggies and fruit now that I am less mobile I support my local farms and use my energy instead to create healthy meals and to do some preserving.

  4. Marie Damon
    Marie Damon says:

    Hope you are both well jane.food looked lovely.any veg fruit i have thats going to go off i wash dry and freeze it to make breakfast smoothies even lettice leaves in my green smoothies .you can even wash dry potato peelings put can put bit of olive oil on them and flavourings and bake them in the oven till they go crisp then we use them in dips .also use banana skins wipe all over your face leave to dry ten mins then rince off the banana is realy good for your skin snd it feels amazeing x

  5. Julie McDonald
    Julie McDonald says:

    We recently gutted our back garden and my rosemary plant went with it. A few small sprigs of rosemary costs 🇦🇺AUD$3 in Woolworths. A friend has told me where there is a huge rosemary bush in a carpark near the supermarket. Free rosemary forever! 😀🌿

  6. cynstric
    cynstric says:

    Thank you for this excellent video. I get so disgusted with wasting food, but I am getting better by having a plan. I invested in a Zwilling food saver system with a vacuum sealer. I think it will be great. I cook 2 dinner meals per week and eat them over 4-5 days. If I get tired of something, I throw it in the freezer for a week. After watching you I learned that I must take everything out and write it down before shopping. I have never done that before. You two are the real deal Jane and Mike. Thank you!

  7. Stacey Manohara
    Stacey Manohara says:

    I love how honest you are about losing your cooking mojo at times. I feel this! But you have a great alternative which is freezing meals ahead of time to just thaw and warm on those days. So helpful!

  8. Janet Stonerook
    Janet Stonerook says:

    I have added batch cooking even though I live alone. This morning whilst listening to your videos, I made a month's supple of pancakes, a pint of homemade syrup and a huge vat of pasta to be frozen for various dishes. As soon as the dew dries off, I'll spend the rest of the morning working on my yard and garden. Then later in the afternoon, I'll bake bread for the week. See how you inspire me!

  9. Corinne Leppard
    Corinne Leppard says:

    I also do the fridge rotation of food, so newest to the bottom of the pile. Keep my eye on dates and anything about to go over is frozen if possible or baked/cooked/made into soup. Those stuffed courgettes look amazing, haven't had stuffed veg in years, must do again soon.

  10. Katie Lee
    Katie Lee says:

    l love yr video's, they are so motivational. l watch one per day with a cuppa in the morning. Because of rising costs Iv made the decision to cut down on meat plus any possible junk foods . Meat bought sale price for Sundays from now on. but still fish on Fridays. I'm making myself search for veg soups, veg casseroles, savory veg filling recipes for pies, microwave savories, pasties, quiches etc. so can serve with salads or more steam veg in double saucepan. So l will do batch oven baking on Wednesdays using any left over meat plus use up left over veg in fridge ( our shop del is Thursdays) plus any veg/salad that may be seasonal grown on patio & our small raised beds. l will make sure all my once a week batch baking are freezable to cut down on oven use for rest of week.
    We decided no bought cakes, fizzy pops, shop biscuits eaten from now on, only fresh fruit, if possible from garden. Will go back to making batch baking fruit pies for midweek desserts from freezer if we feel need for something sweet . We already only spend £1 per meal per person but l'm challenging myself to get it lower. By making food changes now it will lessen any real hardship that seems to be coming. Its a challenge but one step at a time.

  11. Kat V
    Kat V says:

    Delicious looking recipes. I watching this while a lamb and vegetable stew is bubbling in my slow cooker, it should last us for 2 dinners

  12. Jerry Chetty
    Jerry Chetty says:

    You are very well organized and disciplined. I saw a Doggie bowl there near the fridge on the floor, can you perhaps show us your furry friend, would be nice to see

  13. Patrice
    Patrice says:

    I try not to let anything go to waste by freezing the leftovers for another day. If there is something that can’t be frozen or eaten before it spoils it gets fed to my chickens. Fresh eggs from the girls is a great way to not waste anything edible.

    I’m going to have to try your Spanish chicken and rice dish, it looks delicious!

  14. Miko Masterson
    Miko Masterson says:

    Here in the U.S. we have something called "Green Bags" that you can put your produce into and it keeps it fresh for close to a month. Now, I waste very, very little produce because I always have an opportunity to use it all up. Great topic today!


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