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39 replies
  1. Sami Aakhus
    Sami Aakhus says:

    We love to get hot chocolate and a cookie from a local gas station and drive around to see lights; I purchased 2 holiday sacks with the kids’ names on them from Etsy so that is how Santa leaves gifts-the ones from us are wrapped

  2. Kelsi McCabe
    Kelsi McCabe says:

    Two questions: First, what food did you eat for lunch on the first day? It looked delicious. Second, can you do a tutorial for how you fold the wrapping paper? I’m horrible at wrapping gifts 😅

  3. Charla Milligan
    Charla Milligan says:

    When my kids were little, Santa only brought each kid one gift. It was their “big” gift. A bike or doll house or something like that. It was not wrapped. I wrapped the other gifts and they were from mom.

  4. Savannah Burkett
    Savannah Burkett says:

    Thanks for the folding laundry motivation. I have like 5 baskets to fold. I need to get better about laundry. I always wait till it piles up and do a whole bunch of laundry in one day. And then it sits in baskets.

  5. Katie Thomas
    Katie Thomas says:

    Our church puts on a drive-through live nativity every year. It’s a pretty big production with Roman guards, live animals, a market place, a village, and the nativity scene. My husband, daughters, and I get to dress up doing various stations. Last year, our youngest daughter was a few months old and got to play Baby Jesus. It’s my favorite tradition ❤️💚

  6. tiffany freeman
    tiffany freeman says:

    Our tradition has always been to do three gifts, like Jesus had. We started out doing a want, need and read gift but over the years it’s been one from Santa, one from mom and dad then the other from their sibling. And Santa does not rap gifts in our house.

  7. Christina Cano
    Christina Cano says:

    Hey Amy! I love your videos and I try to watch them each week! I have a little girl who just recently turned 3. My husband and I are trying to come up with some good traditions of our own. We do wrap the presents that we buy her, and we unwrap them here at our house. On Christmas morning, we go down to my parents house where Santa leaves her gifts. For right now it works, but I’m sure as she grows up we will have to change it up some. One of our traditions is to put up the Christmas tree on Halloween evening. My husband and I make the choice to not participate in Halloween, so that is something that we do instead. We also always have cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. I can’t wait to make more traditions happen as my little girl grows up!!

  8. Kathleen Cunningham
    Kathleen Cunningham says:

    I love that wrapping paper station!!! Hey, anything that saves the back is a good thing. When we were kids (5 of us), Santa's presents were left unwrapped. Christmas morning, we'd all go downstairs and saw everything in our designated areas of the living room. Anything under or near the tree was the "share pile" like board games, etc. Your tree looks pretty, and you wrap the gifts so nice!

  9. JoJo
    JoJo says:

    I just love this time of year! Presents are always wrapped under the tree, maybe one or two things aren’t. But Santa has his own paper that he uses from the North Pole. We also make sure to remember that it’s Jesus’ birthday and He is the reason. It’s such a magical and joyful time of year and both Santa and Jesus are talked about….A LOT, lol!

  10. Michelle Newsome
    Michelle Newsome says:

    Love watching your channel! You have a beautiful home and family. You give me tons of motivation for cleaning my home which is very much appreciated as a working mom who doesn’t have a lot of time to clean! I have used many of the products you have suggested and love the mrs meyers products. Thank you for sharing your videos! Merry Christmas!

  11. Candice Bateman
    Candice Bateman says:

    Another great video! We (4 of us) shared a bathroom that was the size of a small closet. I was younger and there is a seven year age gap between myself and my sibling. So it wasn’t awful 😂. There are times I have to stop and think about all we do for our children that didn’t need to be done when I was their ages. Random question for you, where did you get the case you carry your Bible in. I noticed it in a previous video. If it was a gift, what is the name of the brand or company? I am in need of one. Thanks for the work you put into your videos!

  12. Brandy Harris
    Brandy Harris says:

    Omg Amy, I’m sorry I keep commenting! I comment as I watch your videos, so I apologize!
    Our tradition growing up was that all 4 of us would wake up early and we’d line up on our staircase, oldest starting at the bottom (me) up to the youngest (the youngest twin). And my dad would always put on 98 Rock (a Baltimore station) and we’d wait until him and my mom had fixed their first cup of coffee, and we’d laugh and be soooo beside ourselves with anticipation!…. And then we’d hear “ok kids, come downstairs.” Meanwhile, our German shepherd wouldn’t let anyone NEAR the Christmas tree, because he thought all of the presents were his lol!!!! My dad always had to fix that little conundrum hahahaha! Good times, wouldn’t trade it for the world 🥰💕😳😅🫣🔥🤦🏼‍♀️💕🤍💕🤍

  13. Ashleyattheroundtable
    Ashleyattheroundtable says:

    Y'all don't want me at your house because I will want to go behind you and break out your broom 🧹 and mop and clean your entire house. Every time I watch a cleaning/cooking video I'm like your not going to do this or that, so trust me u don't want me at your house. And I don't celebrate Christmas due to the fact that it brings up very bad memories for me. 👍🏽🙂💜 Have a great rest of your weekend.

  14. Leigha Cruz
    Leigha Cruz says:

    I knew pretty early on the truth about Santa, but my family did a silly tradition afterwards. While some things still came from Santa, I also started to receive gifts from the president, the queen, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and other figures. Haha! While I knew it was my parents behind it all, it was a quirky edition to all of our other traditional holiday festivities! 😊

    I’ve always wanted to ask – what kind of spray do you use over your bed and living room furniture when you are done tidying up?

  15. Katie S
    Katie S says:

    In our house each kid has a burlap tote that they must fill with toys to give to Santa to pass along to other kids and then in return Santa fills those bags with new toys from him. It makes it super easy since they're contained and they get so much joy out of pulling each item out. Our stairwell is open and this helps them not see all their items until we are all sitting down together.
    Also Santa only brings a few items and fills their stockings. Mommy and Daddy give them the majority of their gifts and the more expensive stuff. We do wrap those and open them together on Christmas Eve bc on Christmas Day after Santa has come we pack up and head to my mother-in-law's house for Christmas breakfast together.

  16. Tracy Poffenbarger
    Tracy Poffenbarger says:

    Growing up all presents were from Santa and they were all wrapped so that’s what I did for the kids.
    I remember seeing a nightgown from Santa but it was in a JCPenney wrapper. I really realized Santa must not be real. 😢
    Our tradition was to go to Grandmas on Christmas Eve and open presents pretty early in the morning. My favorite present was a Pebbles doll. A lot different back then.


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