Extreme Budget Meals || Feeding Your Family On A BUDGET

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EXTREME BUDGET MEALS || FEEDING YOUR FAMILY ON A BUDGET #extremebudget #cheapdinner Extreme Budget Playlist: …

50 replies
  1. NM Native Nurse
    NM Native Nurse says:

    Great recipes, Tamara! The cornbread casserole reminded me of one I used to make when my boys were still at home.
    I would make a casserole using leftover taco meet or breakfast sausage, the Mexican style corn bread mix, a can of cream style corn and cheese. I would cook pinto beans in the crockpot during the day, then serve them along with the casserole. So good! Now I’m craving it! 😁

  2. Kristy B
    Kristy B says:

    Thank you Tamara! Love your budget meals series. I think with the current inflation everyone is looking to scale back where they can. I hope that anyone out here struggling will utilize places like food banks if they need to, they exist for this purpose and there is no shame in needing help. Everyone needs a little help from time to time, that’s why it takes a village. Everyone deserves to not go hungry and it breaks my heart we have that problem in one the wealthiest nations in the world. For those struggling right now I am sending love and prayers for things to turn around for you.

  3. Angie Gryszan
    Angie Gryszan says:

    So these meals look amazing. But what you said at the begging about 211 resources is something I had never heard of. I googled it and came up with a slew of resources to pass on to a developmentaly delayed individual I know that has had an exstreamly difficult couple of years and dds services have failed her miserably… I have wanted to help her but due to certain rules/ guide lines I need to follow Im not allowed to help as much as I'd like…ok TMI maybe but want to say thank you very much for mentioning 211 so that maybe I can guide her to resources and help!❀

  4. Vanessa Dyson
    Vanessa Dyson says:

    You can use the drained liquid from the corn for the cornbread. Adds flavor and will save you on the milk. I have family members with sensitivity to eggs, and the sub 1/4 of applesauce to mixesπŸ‘. Thank you for all the wonderful tips and encouragement to prep!

  5. Barbara Sutherland
    Barbara Sutherland says:

    Like the first one.πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸŒŸπŸ’―β˜˜οΈπŸ’―πŸ—πŸ₯—πŸ₯‘πŸ₯’πŸ…β˜˜οΈπŸ§‹πŸ§€πŸ₯¦πŸ›πŸšπŸ’―

  6. Tracie Schrock
    Tracie Schrock says:

    ohh! i just had a combo pop into my brain…LOL from dollartree. 1 pack burgers, 1 bag frozen santa fe mix, taco mix ( combine ingredients)aka/scramble. then top with the cornbread πŸ˜‹

  7. Maryland Monroe
    Maryland Monroe says:

    Do you think you could put the mixed-up cornbread on top of the meat in the skillet, cover and cook on the stovetop? I don't use the oven in the summer because I don't have central AC and it takes my window unit too long to get the house cool again. If you don't think it will work, I can just wait for cooler weather.

  8. Ann Swann
    Ann Swann says:

    Good meals! A local store used to be known for their 10 items for $10 get 11th item free. So that was ninety cents each. Both the flavored noodles and 1# roll of turkey were regularly on that deal. I just bought boxes of the noodles for $1.25. That’s still cheap but the percentage increase is crazy!
    Tamra please keep showing your cooking; your ideas are very helpful and your words are always so encouraging


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