everything I eat in a day (vegan) | simple meals + grocery haul + life chat

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Connect with me on social media!! (INSTAGRAM: sydtheslyfox) Welcome to a what I eat in a day video! I’m a student who loves to …

18 replies
  1. Chip Newkie
    Chip Newkie says:

    Will definitely keep watching your channel as long as they are still comforting (music, scenery, calm voice). It also feels like you care about us watching but if you get too caught up in the fame/attention/ comments you are getting then you will stop caring and we will feel that and probably quit watching

  2. ⵏⴰⴷⴰ- ⴻⵔⵔⴰⴱⵉⵄ ⵄⵉⵙⴰⵡⵉ
    ⵏⴰⴷⴰ- ⴻⵔⵔⴰⴱⵉⵄ ⵄⵉⵙⴰⵡⵉ says:

    Hi Sydney, i rarely ever leave comments under videos but this one, i think this one is very important.
    I have only just found your channel now . I do not know where you live or what you do with your life but i know that i relate to you, and your experience with grief so please know that you are not alone and please accept a big warm hug from me. As soon as i clicked on your video and started watching, i did feel a sense of comfort and realness, the fact that we literally have very similar facial features and the exact same hairstyle took me by surprise, so there already was a sense of familiarity to me. When you got to the section of the video when you spoke about your grief it did hit me right away, but also made me feel like i too can be strong and i too deserve good things in my life. My brother did not pass away but he is no longer the same, he struggles with mental health issues as a result of being clean from drug use for over two years now. we are so proud of him but havent yet found a suitable professional for him. In a sense it does feel like we lost him, and as i live abroad and go to school every day i get this unexplainable guiltiness if i focus on school or achieve grand things or even in my daily life, i find it really hard to dream of good things and expect success and happiness for myself. i live my day doing what i have to do, rarely ever doing anything else and rarely ever thinking positive thoughts. My excessive fixation doesnt even help, i couldnt begin to tell you how much it weighs me down. I am fixated on the issues and on the pain and motherly protectiveness i feel for my brother without taking a step back and reimagining something different non only for me, but also for him. Why dont i think that he will get better? i dont know. Your video so far is the only thing that challenged me to think differently. if i want to take care of my brother one day i will need to be healthy and strong for me and for him. Thank you for sharing your grief with us and not pretending that everything is unrealistically perfect. Because of you, I am going to do so much better. You have gifted me a new breath for life Sydney.

  3. Bethan :)
    Bethan :) says:

    u are making me cry!!! there's so much strength in the ability to soften to life through the hardest things, I'm going through something similar and I see you <3 (also isnt that soy ice cream the b e s t)

  4. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    hello 🙂
    i look forward to your future videos 🙂 thanks for being so consistent with uploading!
    also thank you for sharing about the loss of your brother and how you are feeling in life right now, it is not always easy to put it into words and it was well said and put together beautifully with the video montage. i originally clicked on your video because i love watching vegan food videos, but in the end i think it is the personality of the person doing the videos that makes me keep watching 🙂
    by the way, i was in sweden exactly one year ago when i was on a roadtrip by myself from switzerland to the northcape and back! sweden is beautiful in autumn, i loved it 🙂

  5. Francisca Cheska
    Francisca Cheska says:

    I just found your channel, love it a lot! I am here for the food inspiration (would love some written down recipes).

    But also love your chill vibe and the life reflections
    So special there was a "lieveheersbeestje" with you! Don't know the English word for it, lieve heer means dear lord.

  6. Sherri Mansfield
    Sherri Mansfield says:

    Really enjoying your videos, Sydney. Your willingness to be open about the loss of your brother, will help so many people in their own journey through grief. You’re a wonderful girl who deserves all the happiness in the world.

  7. Mangled Mango
    Mangled Mango says:

    Great ideas! Thank you 🙏 I have trouble and struggle with buying the right ingredients at the grocery store (sauces, protein, seasoning) I just can’t seem to put it all together and create some routine meals that are hearty and wholesome, while being vegan ofcourse.
    I’m trying to stay inspired by your videos and other vegan cooking channels to keep up my diet/ health.

  8. Jeanne Valois de la Motte
    Jeanne Valois de la Motte says:

    nice video. It may sound weird but I enjoy your sadness because I can relate to it. I, too, lost someone in my life and I was very young at that age. A writer once wrote that the first person you lose is always the hardest. It sounds pretty unfair because all the people we lose mean the world to us. But in my experience it's sadly kind of true… I was sad for years when I lost someone.
    Nevertheless, a kind of funny ending. Why are so many people obsessed with GIlmore Girls? I only watched it when it came on TV, never streamed it…

  9. maria mendizabal
    maria mendizabal says:

    You deserve all the good things! I would love more grocery hauls also mentioning prices haha wondering how expensive Sweden is 😛 I have recently lost my dog which I know is not a fair comparison but I feel like a valuable lesson is that it is okay to feel unproductive some days its a great opportunity to slow down and reflect on things


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