Every Irish Mother Ever | Foil Arms and Hog (Best Of)

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We love our dear Anne Flanagan, and we express our love by showing every single time she decided it was her way or the …

35 replies
  1. T.P. McKenna
    T.P. McKenna says:

    Can you answer me a question, lads? Mrs. Flanagan at the computer – I had an argument with a friend recently when I said the one here is not the original, and that you re-recorded it, at some point. Without going all 'grassy knoll' on it, it's still a great sketch, but lacks the spontaneity of the originality. The timing is just a bit more drawn out vis the cueing of the printer, and especially Mrs. Flanagan's shock on opening the history folder! Oh, gawd!!! That very nearly happened to me when I was home from London, I think, for my father's funeral, and I was showing an aunt some old family photos I had on my phone. Unfortunately, while I was distracted by another aunt, my phone (a gay man's phone, y'know!!) was suddenly off on a tour of the room among all these aged relatives. Old they may have been, but they knew full well how to swipe through the pictures, so there was I diving headlong across the room before someone swiped too far and a whole room of Anne Flanagans went up in a collective 'Oh, JESUS!!"

  2. Anissa Holmes
    Anissa Holmes says:

    Omg! I’m American but I might be an Irish mom. I guess being a mom is universal. I’m wondering if your kid leaves the door open in summer or winter if you say ‘shut that door! We are not heating/ cooling the neighborhood!’

  3. Richard Blahoušek
    Richard Blahoušek says:

    Voucher from 2017 😂😂😂 This happend to me three weeks ago (waiter) and do you know what ? Free diner from manager (186euro) 😀 6 years old voucher from 11/2017 …. So always try to bring your old vouchers 👌

  4. Purple Phoenix
    Purple Phoenix says:

    😂 The airport one was me the other week. My son always complains that we set off so early and then spend an age in the airport when there were no queues. If we got there later though a sea of people could be queuing and we could miss our flight lol 😂

    This compilation is fantastic.

  5. Angela Taylor
    Angela Taylor says:

    My friend used to live with her boyfriend who was a chef and apparently in the kitchen his common phrase was "clean as you go" he could spot a crumb on the kitchen surfaces in seconds. Lovely food but extremely annoying 😂

  6. Wizzard
    Wizzard says:

    There was a few reasons the art was my best subject the first one is the most obvious that not to blow my own trumpet but I have quite an innate skill and I enjoy it on top, the second reason that kept me coming back was the fact my art teacher was only five years older than me had the body of a Greek goddess and the sense of humour of Frankie boyle


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