Even *MORE* holiday apps and a dessert!

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Finger food is just perfect for get-togethers around the holiday season and today I have 4 new recipes for your next holiday party!

28 replies
  1. @ohredbrd
    @ohredbrd says:

    Did anybody else spy the missing Hershey Kiss hiding amongst the foil wrappers? Nobody ate it Mandy, it was making a bold escape. Although escaping to the trash can may not have been the original plan. Great to still be his "hot honey." Love you guys, God bless.

  2. @angelirohival6270
    @angelirohival6270 says:

    I loved this video! I told my family that one of these nights it’s going to be all appetizers for dinner. I am definitely using these. Between you, Jessica O’ Donahue, and Feeding the Byrds YouTube channels, I am set for the holidays!
    Blessings and Shalom!

  3. @carolineward6445
    @carolineward6445 says:

    I’m going to throw this in there but they aren’t pigs in blankets (well at leas not here in the uk)
    Over her a PIB is a chipolata sausage ( which is basically a skinny sausage) wrapped in bacon. Absolutely delicious and a staple for Christmas dinner. Thank me later!

  4. @sndgokey
    @sndgokey says:

    I love ❤️ watching your videos. Thank you so much for sharing. Love when the family is on you guy's make me laugh. There's day's I really need a laugh or two. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and you family

  5. @islandcandies5963
    @islandcandies5963 says:

    Thanks Steven… I learned a new word…Hot Honey. Your guilty smile smirk and your gazing eyes as you look at the beautiful Mandy says it all. Now if I say “hot honey” I’ll also giggle lollol lol. You both live like young loves and it’s so adorable. Keep the love alive !

  6. @islandcandies5963
    @islandcandies5963 says:

    You both are so adorable. I love the sliders for leftover Turkey whether from a roasted Turjey or deli Sammie’s. I never grew up livimg cranberry sauce but now that I’m older it’s like jam/jelly…. Yum

  7. @jerisharpe906
    @jerisharpe906 says:

    I just finished reading one of Mandy's older videos about 2 or 3 yrs ago, I enjoyed it but there were a couple of complainers on it, if you're not happy with Mandy or Steven, keep your complaints to yourself & don't tune in, watch someone's else's video. I really enjoy this whole family, including little Gracie. Good going guys.


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