Epic Thrift Haul | Winter Day on the Homestead

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You’ll never believe what I got for $13 on this week’s thrift haul! Spend the day with me making a classic breakfast, doing some …

34 replies
  1. @beautifulminds6160
    @beautifulminds6160 says:

    When you said ‘if he was to fold laundry’ I gave a good chuckle because I feel the same. I appreciate the dynamic my husband and I have and the roles we have in our marriage and home. Its a beautiful thing to be comfortable with 🥰

  2. @MrsAlex-ti8ks
    @MrsAlex-ti8ks says:

    I agree and respect that you and your husband have your sacred spaces and processes. My husband and I both farm. He farms row crops & hay. I grow produce to sell. We both pitch in to raise & maintain livestock. He prefers to maintain the farm paperwork because he has a system. I homeschool and maintain the home. We both assist each other in the event it is needed. I stay out of his processes and he mine. We both don’t preach to each other how to do our jobs. It’s too easy to fall into a trap of my work is harder than yours. The anxiety and resentment is not worth it.

  3. @SandraDavis-he8lg
    @SandraDavis-he8lg says:

    I love your chn. Please post as you want to post. I live in MA. I just turned 60. My husband and I have been married 36 years and we have two adult children. In this modern world… yes people want it to be 50/50. After 36 years of marriage we have found that the responsibility’s we have split over the years. He gets so upset if he sees me handling one of his tools. His job now of setting the table at night,,,, gives me more stress than it’s worth. I totally understand what ur are saying. Today I made your Dutch baby recipe. It was so easy and delicious!!!

  4. @lindawinters4555
    @lindawinters4555 says:

    i love your TV trays❤ I have had heartland dishes for years and would love ro find trays for my set. Will have yo look around. You must hsve a great thrift shop. Look up heartland dishes and you will see what I mean. I could not believe my eyes when I saw those tables, I had to pause and just stare in awe😂

  5. @susanvelez6534
    @susanvelez6534 says:

    I’m crazy clean if I go to bed with a cup in the sink I won’t sleep until it is washed I’ll get out of bed and wash it. I raised both my children alone and they are both amazing. One is 40 and my girl is 21. I change my bed on Fridays too, and …….because of YOU ……….I finally made my first sourdough loaf of bread yayyyyy. It was sooooooo delicious. I had killed my starter – started a new one -and was feeding it for 6 months using the discard to make pancakes , and other things . 🤗🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  6. @wendy.riffel
    @wendy.riffel says:

    I am exactly the same. I have to make the bed everyday. Even if on and off day it’s not made before I get back into bed, I make the bed before I get into it lol. 😅Nothing like a made bed!

  7. @donnahamilton7850
    @donnahamilton7850 says:

    Ever since I can remember,even as a very young girl,I also have to have my bed made😊. I also have to have my kitchen clean before bed,lol… I am 52 and I actually remember when My boys were young almost being late for work a couple of times becuz I enjoyed coming home to a tidy home… I have no shame when it comes to those two life long habits 🙏

  8. @YeshuaKingMessiah
    @YeshuaKingMessiah says:

    Trilight Herbs are awesome
    They are glycerites so very nice for pregnant and nursing — and young kids who balk at tinctures
    They have pregnancy formulae formulated by the late great Shonda Parker (truly a loss for the world that she died at an early age). Then there’s red raspberry leaf for those who aren’t tea drinkers (like me!). Sickness formulae made for pg moms or kids.
    I highly reccd Trilight!
    (I have no affiliation with them at all)
    Radiant Health Catalog is another source for actual superfoods—quality cod liver oil, etc so important for pg & nsg moms (and children!)
    Magnesium and cod liver are 2 supplements everyone just neeeeeeeds. (high-vitamin butter oil, which is sold by Green Pastures, the maker of a high quality cod liver oil, is also a nonnegotiable in my opinion; this is not ghee, it’s centrifuged very high quality butter & the vitamin its high in is vitamin K, which is very needed when taking CLO— the vitamin D increases your absorption of calcium, the vitamin K takes this calcium and puts it in your bones and in your teeth vs on your teeth and lining your arteries and making bone spurs. Unless u eat summer-grass-pastured cream made into butter, ur not getting the K in sufficient amts; the K is plants is wrong form)
    I have no affiliation with Radiant Health either.

  9. @YeshuaKingMessiah
    @YeshuaKingMessiah says:

    A suggestion to train kids and implement a routine
    Keeps chaos from ensuing and mom has to remember nothing!

    Morning list
    Afternoon list (once academics done before can go play, like put away school bks, or projects, do 1 chore)
    Evening list (before bed)
    Meal chart (every task is delegated even if u have to stand with them)
    These take effort n time to make but save SOMUCHTIME in just a short while.
    I rotated if possible. Toddler & preschool chores stay with the kid till he can do bigger kid chores. A toddler & preschooler can separate silverware into the drawer tray…u have to train them to perseverance once they get the concept but if u require it anyway it’s not hard (doing the whole job even when u don’t want to or something more exciting pops up)

    Sample morning list
    Age 5 or so
    Go potty (put pullup in garbage)
    [If wet, strip and bathe/shower.
    Strip bed, take to washer for someone to rinse in washer
    Take wipes and wipe down plastic mattress cover]
    Wash hands]
    Tidy room
    Meal Chart chore
    Eat breakfast
    Meal Chart chore
    If not wet, get dressed after brush teeth
    Brush hair
    Morning chore (1 per morning)
    Start day playing, doing skill work (hobby), or academics
    If u have farm animals adjust accordingly
    If dads there, maybe they go out with him after morning chore
    Once you have made these, and adapted once u use them (real life kicks in lol) then u have instant easy routine the kids know even w/o reading or bigger kids can help them with
    I put them in clear page protectors to use wipe off markers on or grease pencils

  10. @catherinecorn2371
    @catherinecorn2371 says:

    😂 i much prefer to "stay in my lane" and my husband stay in his. 🤪 Unpopular opinion, but, he CAN wash dishes, but not as well as i can, i CAN mud drywall but not as well as he can. I try to save the power tool things for him … Although, i absolutely LOVE laying the laminate flooring…. Love love love it.


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