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40 replies
  1. Dickson Lizzy
    Dickson Lizzy says:

    I got cured from my Fibroid Disease after using Dr Alaho Olu herbs 🌿. You can get more information by contacting Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube Channel. Thanks to Mrs Monalisa for referring me to the traditional herbalist.

  2. Pru Broughton
    Pru Broughton says:

    major problem with reflux and suffer from dehydration which gives me a very hard dehydrated poop in the morning cause I am lucky at 74 I don't have to get up in the night. I sweat profusely through out the day and especially at night. I drink over 3 litres of fluid a day. My diet since early 2020 has been minimal carb and high fat ( not seed oil)and lost 13 kg this way. Have not gained weight back but do eat a fresh fruit nut dnd yoghurt breakfast. My doctors keep advising more fibre!! and recommend laxatives which I refuse, but looks like I am going to have to ditch my favourite breakfast for bacon and eggs. Have had polyps removed several times and have been diagnosed with diverticulosis, get lots of lower abdominal pain at odd times. Thanks for the advice Coming from a farm here in NZ have always eaten loads of fresh fruit, but this may have to change ( Don't drink or smoke but looks like one of my last pleasures will need to be restricted)

  3. macoediv
    macoediv says:

    My child has cystic fibrosis and just had a bowel clean out. they gave her, go lightley and meralax. I am trying to get my daughter on carnivore, she eats pasta, chicken, pizza, burger king and loves bread.

  4. john smith
    john smith says:

    Well I will try here = did pure carnivore for 6 months and gave up since the diarrhea continued the whole time which is ironic since part of the reason I started was IBSD (also hoped energy/depression would lessen (they didn't). I am trying ZC again and the diarrhea has started again. I am taking loperamide and going to buy betaine hcl and liptase. I guess pepsin and ox bile are worth a go. Some are suggesting vit C or a small amount of fibre as well

  5. vasenpolvi
    vasenpolvi says:

    I can not imagine that I am asking this 😉 But here it goes. Is there any other who does not necessarily need TP when you have bowl movements daily? One roll of toilet paper lasts a month for me, because I use one sheet per day. Crazy stuff.

  6. Julian Calendar
    Julian Calendar says:

    I just can't get on with bread or pasta and all the rest of that stuff these days. As a carnivore over the last five years I defecate around 3-4 times a week. Before carnivore I could 'dump' 2-3 times a day and there was an urgency to it also. Now, it's more like, yeah, I need to dump but I'll d it later and there is definitely no urgency to it and I hardly need to wipe. At 60 I have never felt better with more energy and no meds. Thanks to Doctors like this I have a 31 inch waist and the right weight for height ratio.

  7. Alan Clark
    Alan Clark says:

    Hi Rob, absolutely love your content. 4 months in and feel finally fat adapted and loving it. I have one concern about keto that I would trust you the most to address. It's about sodium, more specifically sodium and potassium relationship. I understand that this is the possible issue with too much salt? Would love for you to clear this up?

  8. Oystein Soreide
    Oystein Soreide says:

    Actually I eat much vegetables and some meat, cheese and eggs. But when I went on a keto diet, even with much vegetables, my intestines became much calmer and relaxed. So I definately went in the right direction for my digestive system. If it really helps to go all the way to a carnivore diet for me, I'm not sure.

  9. lu gaines
    lu gaines says:

    So timely!! Needed this!
    Was just told have Diverticulosis but nothing more as to how to repair or what to digest to not make it worse. Do you have a video pertaining to this matter. Search is on! Thank you for your video.

  10. Proper Gander
    Proper Gander says:

    Wish my Mom could have had this information. About 10 years ago she had 18 inches of her colon removed for precancerous polyps and then a few months later had hemorrhoidectomy. Those two surgeries just a few months apart nearly killed her. In her younger years she ate all the crap in an effort to be thin (always just 20-30 pounds overweight) and ended up with diabetes anyway later in life. Did the low-fat, high fiber, high carb, multi-grain diet as was recommended by food pyramid and all the diets of the time. Thought food like whole grain crackers were healthy and the margarine and seed oil products. She lived to be 82 but the last few years of her life were made miserable by gut and intestinal distress and preoccupation and the long goodbye that is dementia. What a crime the medical, food, and pharmaceutical industries have committed against the American people. Thanks to docs like Cywes who are getting the word out about all the lies we’ve been told. Ive done it enough to know that I feel much better when I stick to carnivore and some low carb veg. I believe my Mom would still be alive if she had been able to make these changes.

  11. KETO Diamond Channel
    KETO Diamond Channel says:

    I can say while eating a Keto healthy diet, bathroom issues are really not an issue at all and I don't really have to think about it. But Cheat meals, they make the bathroom an actual problem that changes my ease of life.

  12. Gytis321 S
    Gytis321 S says:

    My lab tests are in. And I'm confused. I don't know what is what any more. I always felt bad after eating carbs, my body weight has dropped a lot from last year. No energy, always want to eat, drink. I started thinking that I might be Type 1 diabetic. So I got tested. I drank glucose, for 2 hour test. To see blood sugar and insulin. After one hour passed i felt I'm gonna die. All body shaking, almost lost consciousness. I went to pee 3 times in one hour. I don't know why, but I pee so often especially after carbs. So… Tests show that I'm not type 1. I made insulin. Way to much of it. Normal marker limit was 25, mine was almost 35. Blood sugar was normal. So my pancreus makes tons of insulin. But what's the point ? If I pee all sugar immediately ? I can't gain any weight. I have severe psoriasis. So I understand that my gut lining is destroyed. Poop tests shows that my gut don't digest proteins properly to. So final thoughts: no matter what I eat or drink, everything pass through and I don't absorb anything.

  13. noble steed
    noble steed says:

    If the purpose of the colon is only to process water and salt in and out via its lining, then how come the fecal matter transplant works magic for a lot of people? Actually asking. I want to understand the mechanics.

  14. Ross Eryn
    Ross Eryn says:

    Dr. Cywes, I know the carnivore diet seems to work well, for me and others. The historical data strongly supports a very high level meat intake at the top of the food chain, above lions and wolves. The only way for that to occur would have been by consuming lions and wolves or other large carnivores. The health benefits of going carnivore do not appear to be short term (7 to 14 yrs) like veganism. The stomach acid of a human appears designed specifically for handling meat and the intestine design does as well, much closer to a lion than a gorilla. I do have a question though. How are butyrates, akkermansia muciniphila, bifidobacterium produced on a carnivore diet? There appears to be a lot of research showing the importance of these things to the very foundation of health. Also there appears to be a lot of research that shows some specific fibrous foods produce them, while a fatty diet reduces them. It appears that the two theories cannot coincide however maybe like other things in the past it is simply due to a lack of the current knowledge level and a dogmatic approach from both sides. As an older and lifelong raiser and very detailed observer of true pastured and forested cattle, goats, sheep, hogs and chickens I have a theory that in the past it would have been produced by polyphenols or some other currently unknown thing in the meat from these animals. All of these animals will selectively eat the most nutrient dense items in there niche. Animals that eat forbs and deep rooted woody leaf forage or the bugs that eat them should have a high concentration of polyphenols in the meat such as larger fish have high concentrations of mercury because they concentrate the nutrients/contaminants of things lower in the food chain. However, after many many hours of searching I have found no research to support or discredit this theory of polyphenol concentration in the meat that might produce the butyrates, akkermansia muciniphila or bifidobacterium. Any thoughts on how to reconcile this dichotomy with the current knowledge we have?

  15. Melissa Sinclair
    Melissa Sinclair says:

    So much can be learned about our health from our gut/poop and we never talk about it – even with our doctors and it's just stupid. We all poop. And because we all have a different gut biome, we all poop differently.

    I learned about 10 years ago (and maybe this is bad, I don't know…) but when I eat low carb, I poop MUCH less. I poop every 2-3 days. It can go as long as every 7 days. And when I poop, my poop is not dry and hard, but just a normal poop that took a long time to work itself through my gut/body.

    When I eat higher-carb foods, within a day or two, I need to poop every day. Again, it's normal, but it's more than twice the volume. I've never heard of that for anyone else, but since we never talk about poop, maybe it's common.

  16. Chow Mein
    Chow Mein says:

    Doctor if I was in charge of these noble awards I would give you one for every video you have made, the info you pass on to the ordinary person on the street is invaluable,

  17. Debbie Martin
    Debbie Martin says:

    This is wonderful information. I Had 2 doctors suggest probiotics for digestive gas build-up and and constipation.. I'm sure you can just guess what happened… It just made me worse. That was the beginning of my journey into figuring out how to eat things that would not try try to kill me. I have been on this journey for 10 months and ended up Low carb Ketovour With a couple of days of PSMF a week My body just Naturally poops on its own now every couple of days… It's like a poop miracle seriously lol… No more Discomfort.. Relying on chemicals to go… I've lost 48 pounds… No more fatty liver … Oh yes the fatty liver thing … Those doctors both told me it was normal at my age to have some of that… I just thank God for doctors like you and the rest of the eat right community for sharing information .You really made my life much better!!! God-bless you

  18. DJ MT
    DJ MT says:

    It's funny, I've been asked by friends I am helping on their new keto journey, about this very question, twice this week. I've advised them to stay the course, and allow their digestive system to adjust to their new carnivorous diet. All you need is salt, fat and water, to make good poop. Not fibre…


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