Ep 7 – Dad's Wake-up Call & My Sis Cooks a Mediterranean Diet Meal

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In today’s episode we do a brief recap of the holidays, but focus on my dad’s realization that the food he eats influences his quality …

19 replies
  1. Rosa Portillo
    Rosa Portillo says:

    Thank you for sharing this experience with us! So proud of your family! Keep up the great work! Also, as a parent and having a picky eater I will have to try to introduce new foods as well. God Bless you and your family 🙏❤️

  2. VioletSkyes93
    VioletSkyes93 says:

    Plant based butters are normally hydrogenated A F! I wish more ingredient nutrition knowledge was able to be shared in our community… processed oils like canola and oxidized other ones caused the heart disease problem in America, not the animal fats people have eaten for centuries.

  3. Cathy Ridley
    Cathy Ridley says:

    I LOVE EVERYTHING about this video!!!! Love your entire family! This gave me the push to stand on the scale again today after all of the holiday cheating! We have to be accountable for what we put in our own bodies. To your dad: I also lost 85 pounds almost 15 years ago and gained it all back. I am in the process of losing again .I have lost 40lbs. so far ,this time. I cheated big time over Christmas!!! I am a sugar addict and I can't stop at just 1 or 2 ! I just can't have that stuff in the house of I'm going to eat it. Chocolate = crack for me! 😂 Its just crazy! I have been addicted to sugar as far back as I can remember. I obsess about it if I have a small amount. I just can't even smell It or else! 🙄 I wish you all the very best! Love your new puppy!!!😘🐶

  4. Charles Mendez
    Charles Mendez says:

    I enjoyed this video a lot the fact that your dad eyes opened to how food effects him and the fact that dee is able to maintain and she lost a pound after one meal just proved that a better diet helps than just working out. I really enjoyed the interaction with her son and how he was into it too. sometimes as adults we worry about what kids might like or hate instead of giving them more options to explore and find out what they really like. Keep it up I know how difficult it can be


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