Ep. 14 How to Navigate Relationships Now That You've Changed with Seeking Scripture's Christy Jordan

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Christy Jordan knows Larry the Cucumber. It’s true. She also started and eventually sold a viral food blog called Southern Plate, …

20 replies
  1. @lorirylee7995
    @lorirylee7995 says:

    I SOOOO needed this! I am very new to Torah learning and have been questioning if I was saved while attending a Baptist church, how could that have been wrong. It was exactly a "doorway" and I will be okay with anyone walking through that same door. I also see that I have set myself as a standard from this-I will work on stepping off that pedestal-starting now. Thank You all for this! Thank you.

  2. @DocScience2
    @DocScience2 says:

    At point 27:55 Please realize that James 2;14-20 clearly says that we are NOT saved by faith. Matthew 19;17 is and remains a first step, including Acts 8;37-38. Jesus teaches in Luke 16;17 that the Torah has not been done away. Therefore the Sabbath is still the most important commandment (Exodus 16;4). There is NO salvation for any WHO DO NOT OBEY the 4th commandment (Exodus 31;14 ). People like to think that all their parents and relatives have not died in vein, but the Bible is, and has been, clear on this subject. You can say or think that I act divisive, but I was in the "Damned" Sunday church for many decades before looking for truth. It took me years of study to prove to myself that what I have written above can not be disproved.

  3. @thewaycouncil
    @thewaycouncil says:

    Another great interview, Luke and Kayte! Christy's heartfelt sincerity shines, and her insights around reading the whole bible, fellowship, walking in obedience, and so much more, are so good! Liked and shared on social media~

  4. @tovcovehomestead4694
    @tovcovehomestead4694 says:

    1:15:52 I loved hearing her say we have to keep blinders on and for you to acknowledge that need. I was making that same statement about 10 years ago when I was in Sunday church and the people around me looked at me like had 3 heads. I see now that I was seeking to follow Him completely and feeling the things that were trying to pull me away and I can also see that they thought it was weird because their blinders were covering their eyes and had them in darkness. May we continue to focus on Him alone.

  5. @theblackflag2020
    @theblackflag2020 says:

    I am absolutely ruined from this video. I have been following your the way doc etc. Thank you for showing her and her work to us. and I am undone seeing now my lack of grace. I NEEDED THIS SO SO BAD. Thank you Christy Jordan so much for your heart. It spoke so loud and clear.

  6. @RainCountryHomestead
    @RainCountryHomestead says:

    This is such a beautiful testimony and like with Constance, I am finding SO much I can relate to. Patrick and I have been married 34 years but until we started on this path back in September, we had never really had any real Bible study time together. Now we read through 5 chapters each nights and we started with Genesis and will be finishing up the Old Testament soon. Once we get all the way through the whole Bible, we will be starting all over again. We have learned SO much through this. I am only part way through but I always find myself needing to put at least one comment in right away while it is fresh in my mind. I am sure I will have more to say, haha!

  7. @EMCProton
    @EMCProton says:

    Yes, Jesus did flip tables. But, he showed them much grace from the beginning until the end. He only flipped tables when his ministry was complete on earth just before he died on the cross. In other words we show grace until the end.

  8. @joanosborne6043
    @joanosborne6043 says:

    Thank you so much for doing this podcast. Im blessed to have been in the Seeking Scripture fellowship almost from the begging. Christy is genuine in her endeavor to get as many people as possible in the Word.


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