English countryside walks 🍂Cosy day, making butter beans and leek gratin

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Getting ready for autumn with hearty and healthy meals, and a walk on english countryside and forest. 》RECIPES《 …

33 replies
  1. Life is an Opera
    Life is an Opera says:

    Hello, beautiful people! This video is a bit different, this is how I started my YouTube channel, actually. But things have changed somehow. Please, let me know if you like this kind of videos, or you prefer the baking kind. Leave a comment, I can't wait to read them all! ❤

  2. Cool & Hot Hub
    Cool & Hot Hub says:

    The Recipe is very easy to understand & so delicious & Yummy 😋

    I believe that the information you are trying to convey will touch the hearts of the audience

    big Like 54 👍

    Stay Contact & Stay Blessed 🤝🤲

  3. Bit Healthier
    Bit Healthier says:

    Dear Corina! I was at work yesterday when you published the video, and just watched it now while drinking my morning coffee. I enjoyed it so much! You did so well and made it beautiful and relaxing, exactly the way I like to live the life 🤗🤗🤗 I love all: the delicious food, squirrels, your walk, English countryside, relaxing night routine, and message at the end. I am sending you a huge hug my dear friend ❤❤❤

  4. Igor Vlahović
    Igor Vlahović says:

    I haven't seen a better video in a long time. Wow. Such magical nature, pure and beautiful. Wonderful forests, wonderful lake… Beautiful squirrels. Beans are fantastic, tasty, perfectly prepared.
    Thank you for such a wonderful video.
    I salute you very much.
    I wish you all the luck!

  5. Cocina Casera con Elena
    Cocina Casera con Elena says:

    Hola querida amiga. Qué paseo por el campo tan verde, bonito y relajante. La ardilla muy simpática comiendo de tu mano.😊 Yo también suelo encender velas porque me parecen especiales y relajantes, y también leo. El desayuno, la focaccia, las judías con los puerros gratinados, y el dulce son una recetas realmente deliciosas.😋😋 Un día muy tranquilo y acogedor. Me encantó el vídeo. Gracias por compartirlo. Que tengas una feliz noche.🙏🥰🤗❤💖💫


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