ENG SUB《中餐厅7》第11期:林允程潇独当一面挑大梁 黄晓明岳云鹏畅聊演员心得 | The Chinese Restaurant S7 EP11 | MangoTV

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加入Mango TV VIP http://bit.ly/MGTVVIP 正片抢先看! 本季嘉宾:黄晓明/赵又廷/岳云鹏/尹正/许光汉/沈梦辰/林允/程潇本季《中 …

50 replies
  1. LanceJK
    LanceJK says:

    I'll wait for the English sub because I wanna know about Cheng Xiao everything about her especially when she cried….I felt her emotion that's why I suddenly cried as well❤❤❤I will miss this show… can't wait for your upcoming historical drama MI AMOR CHENG XIAO ❤❤❤

  2. Lai Nyin Wong
    Lai Nyin Wong says:


  3. M C
    M C says:

    林允真是棒棒哒,节目组剪辑了一小段她从头到尾踏实工作,承担各种活儿,洗了14天的碗,太不容易了,弱弱小小的一个女生! 太棒了吧


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