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Hi guys! In this video, we gonna eat real traditional Ukrainian Food. This time we bought a big list of traditional meals and make an eating challenge with Liuba.

41 replies
  1. Troy Jenkins
    Troy Jenkins says:

    Christ almighty
    15 dollars
    I was thrown off by you getting the food from the grocery store and a restaurant or from your moms house
    Next video
    Show your grandmother or your girlfriend grandmother cooking
    Ukrainian food.
    I know the Ukrainians

  2. aarhusnord
    aarhusnord says:

    Ukrainian food seems to share something with Polish food – it is very natural ingredients, not so preserved/processed as food in western Europe. Probably also takes some extra time to make. How about making a subchannel where you try to make other national dishes from local ingredients? Sometimes it is so funny to see what other nationalities like or dislike.

  3. Taras Okhtyrz
    Taras Okhtyrz says:

    Wow, your Russian accent is so strong, half of these are not Ukrainian dishes and the ones that are Ukrainian you pronounce as if they are Russian. Its not SalA its salO, its not Khaladyets its Kholodets, its not varyeniki its varenyky, its not GAlubets its HOlubets, its not KAlbasa its KOVbasa. Also blinchiki and pelmeni are Russian dishes, every Ukrainian knows that. Ukrainians dont eat blinichiki they eat nalysnyky.
    На це важко дивитися, Русифіковані українці тепер намагаються бути американцями. В що ти одягнений? Що ти кажеш? Скажи женщине надеть рубашку, просто ешь солянку, окрошку и щи.

  4. Davey doo
    Davey doo says:

    All the food looks nice, but i know i would'nt eat most of it, im really fussy what i eat , but ive always managed to find places where i can go for a meal when im abroad on holiday.. Another great video..

  5. Ivan Kinsman
    Ivan Kinsman says:

    Yeeeaahhh – that food looks super tasty and super cheap, even compared with food prices here in Poland, and compare this to overpriced, poor tasting junk food from McDonald's, KFC etc. 🙂 Kravianka (?) is kaszanka in Polish and I really like it.

  6. Ken Weis
    Ken Weis says:

    I miss all that food my woman would cook when we were together….
    She would make 100 stuffed cabbage at a time for whole family….3 gallons of borsch, serniki, peroshki, vereniki, and more


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