Eating on a dollar a day, could you do it?

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Eating on on dollar a day? For a month? Is that really possible? One Cal Poly student put the idea to the test, for her senior project. Niki Burns decided it would …

30 replies
  1. Jae Lynn
    Jae Lynn says:

    Now, 10 years later, Trump has managed to destroy the US. Everything is more expensive and the rich get richer. There is no "American Dream" except for the already rich. Time for a New Deal and for corporations to pay their taxes or leave the US!

  2. Melanie
    Melanie says:

    Clearance veggies at Kroger/Ralph’s. Good stuff including the salad kits for 99 cents. I eat a salad a day sometimes two. Plus they have the clearance regular veg for a buck for that red mesh bag. Ramen was 17 cents a pack on sale today and I took two packs and mixed in a 79 cent bag of clearance spinach.

    You may have to shop more frequently but the savings really add up with the clearance stuff.

  3. Smileyyy21
    Smileyyy21 says:

    Ive been doing the challenge for two weeks now. Ive been blessed because things just started happening this week. I got a twenty dollar tip and Ive got free food from my job. Last month I got free food from apps. I was going to do my grocery list but decided to do the challenge.

  4. deanna morris
    deanna morris says:

    The poorest people waste food. The more wealthy look at expiration dates and cook accordinly. Such a shame, get free food and waste it. Have seen this first hand, bought a family $300+ just to see left on counter after prep.
    Never again will i help them. Bought them a vehicle, paid for repairs, stocked their freezer with meat.
    Only to try to take away my business.
    Didn't work, bitch. You lost them over a year ago because your work was poor quality. Lol, they came back to me after you screwed up their stuff.
    Hope you are enjoying your life now!
    You told my clients you could do my job much better, what the fuck?

  5. MsAdesio
    MsAdesio says:

    Why buy stove top stuffing when you can make it yourself with stale bread? and fried food is the worst, health – wise. I'd give her a D- on this 'project' and an F for the lousy reporting

  6. C1Ton Soup
    C1Ton Soup says:

    A dollar a day, hmm
    Tofu, eggs, and half off pork/chicken at like $1/lb when it's about to go expire and you freeze it

    Cabbage (about $1/lb) or broccoli when it's really cheap ($0.75/lb)

    Potatoes… nothing beats them


    That's it lol

  7. Angie S
    Angie S says:

    Literally, buy beans rice potatoes bananas and lettuce and you'll be a trillion times healthier than living off of top ramen and hot dogs. Oats and other grains are super cheap too so I kinda feel that there's no excuse to not eat healthy unless you literally have $0.

  8. Carolinas SweetTea
    Carolinas SweetTea says:

    well guess what I have to live like this everyday of my life. I have always had to. I've eaten out if course. but alot of food I got free by working in restaurants. but I will tell you that I see that this was a project but all in all why not be smarter instead of just doing it that one month to save your money. I was raised on pinto beans cornbread taters and such and a meal was a meal and still is. today's society is so full of greediness and we think we have to have something and we don't. in reality everything is free you just have to know how to get it. it's going to take some major survival moves and smartness but it's free. ketchup mustard Mayo it's all free. think about it.

  9. Shabbadabadoo
    Shabbadabadoo says:

    There was a time when I was in some dire circumstances and had to manage on $3.50/day living in Asia . What I did was buy tons of vegetables and a either whole chicken or beef and cook for a family of 4/5, freezing microwavable portions. I bought lots of rice, made my own bread, used pasta, couscous etc. I'd either roast the meat and have it with a variety of carbs and veggies, or make a one-pot meal with everything included, lasagna or other pasta dishes, biriyani, paella, fried rice dishes, all of which included meats, veggies, and carbs, helped me save on gas and electric since I cooked just once a week but I still ate like a king.

    I usually cooked rice in advance for 2/3 days, or made bread to last me a few, and always had couscous available (a little goes along way) for long days that would have otherwise made me get takeaway with money I should have paid rent with.


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