Eating Keto While Stuck at Home | How to Stop Snacking All Day!

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Keto Meal Planner: Eating Keto While Stuck at Home | How to Stop Snacking All Day! Perfect Keto: **Use …

44 replies
  1. Marcia Skidmore
    Marcia Skidmore says:

    I always enjoy your postings! Theo is adorable! To address the topic, I have been home and I think I have put on about 5 pounds because I am handicapped and can't just go for a walk – neuropathy – so I need a very smooth flat surface to walk (usually go to mall or huge store) so I'm a little stuck. I have 'pedals' for stationary biking I use and do an hour a day but its hard when you are used to walking out. I took our my small weights so I can get in some upper body. I'm actually not hungry and not snacking — the power of KETO = keeps you satisfied. I am teleconferencing with students and so many of them are eating while we talk! LOL. Thanks again for you!

  2. Anne Code
    Anne Code says:

    Try calves liver. It is much milder than beef liver. I slice it up when slightly defrosted and warm it up in my bone broth. It comes out barely cooked, much more palatable texture.

  3. Jillian A
    Jillian A says:

    Hi 🙂
    We binge watched The Tiger King the other day…its like a train wreck you just can’t look away! I love your videos and little Theo is so adorable! Thank you for all the product reviews they take the guesswork out of finding Keto friendly products and recipes.

  4. A Speakman
    A Speakman says:

    I love you guys! I was so unhealthy when raising my son (he is 16 now). I wish I knew you then! I've been keto for 18months and lost 125 lbs. Thought I knew it all but I learn something new from you all the time. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

  5. Laura Decker
    Laura Decker says:

    In my state it's friggin hoarding!!!!! No food anywhere. So I have to eat and feed my family whatever I can find. So keto is by the wayside. Not everyone can stay on it like u think we can.

  6. cheri williams
    cheri williams says:

    Unfortunately Perfect Keto only sells their bars by the box! I hate buying a whole box and not knowing if I like it.. sells single bars, which is great!! I have bought by the box in the past and ended up throwing various bars out, because I just couldn't stomach them and wasting so much money!. So if you want to try all the flavors and just buy one of each, buy them from Netrition. 🙂

  7. Jennifer James
    Jennifer James says:

    I love a baby’s face when trying new foods! So innocent and truthful! Hehehehe I am loving this quarantine! The lack of options of eating out is so helpful with Keto! I fast from 4pm until 9am then lunch is at 2pm and it’s working great! I love the fact that you are staying Keto through and after Theo! Such an inspiration!! So jelly on the in garage gym!!

  8. Cheryl California
    Cheryl California says:

    For the most part my routine hasn’t changed with our self quarantining in my state/county or my omad eating habits with low carbs and sugar. However, today I broke down and made some brownies from a brownie mix that I had in my pantry for months and I didn’t even feel guilty eating some because I’ve been maintaining my weight loss since November, 2019 really well.


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