Eating for $15 a Week from Dollar Tree | Extreme Budget Meal Plan

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Hey friends! I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I’ve made a Dollar Tree extreme budget video! I’ve been meaning to make …

21 replies
  1. bob guy
    bob guy says:

    I am autistic and really struggle to hold onto food ideas and it makes eating really stressful.
    Because your ideas a back to basics it's extremely useful.
    Thank you so much 💓

  2. Mama Doom
    Mama Doom says:

    When I was a kid we ate rice with milk, cinnamon, and sugar a lot for breakfast. I always really liked it. It’s funny because it took me years to realize that the food I grew up on was budget food. I just always thought I was eating like a king. As an adult my family still eats like kings on budget food. I’ve always wondered why broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots are California food too 😂

  3. Sandra Lewis
    Sandra Lewis says:

    The smashed beans looked like a delicious take on plain old refried beans. When you transform the beans in some way, it keeps it interesting.

    We like to make bean burgers from slightly mashed beans, leftover cooked rice, onion, celery, a dried herb, garlic powder, salt, pepper, a splash of soy or Worcester sauce, and sometimes other leftover veggies or chopped mushrooms. Use a little milk and flour to bind, and an egg if one can be spared. Make patties and fry in a spritz of oil. Seasoning can vary from chili powder to Italian to ground rosemary or parsley. We eat them like hamburgers in a toasted bread bun or with some type of glaze, sauce, or gravy. So it's never "just" rice and beans.

    Your video just inspired me to make a budget sausage meatloaf with split red lentils instead of hamburger. I used leftover rice instead of bread as the extender. Cooked the soaked lentils with a dash of Liquid Smoke and Worcestershire sauce. The sweet Italian sausage was on sale for $2.99 for a pound. It was fun getting creative by watching a creative cook at work!


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