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If you’re looking for an amazing vegan ribs recipe, look no further. Today we’re not only going to make ribs out of seitan using vital …

24 replies
  1. Julia Trabert
    Julia Trabert says:

    I grew up eating Texas BBQ until I met this guy and went vegan. Eating these ribs with some classic bbq plate sides was definitely nostalgic! So fun to eat messy ribs again.

    Thanks for feeding me amazing food every day Mike 😘

  2. Shannon Glavin
    Shannon Glavin says:

    ribs are like my most missed meat so i immediately bought faux bones without having a recipe in mind and have been searching since! thank you so much for sharing!!!

  3. Benjamin Rank
    Benjamin Rank says:

    Looks Super cool your Artwork. I would recommend to separate the Seitan dough into 4 parts. Throw each of these parts into a Hightech Blender like the vitamix. blend each of those for 1 min until the dough is super smooth. Then reunite the doughs and start your Artwork like you did. The advantage of this technique is that the dough is now stretchable an develops better fibres during the stretching process (wrapping it around the bones ist can be stretched). In Addition to that the dough beeing super smoth now, the rips can be glued to the other part of the dough, leaving out the transglutaminase…

  4. Richard Lamer
    Richard Lamer says:

    Other than the faux bones and Moo Goo, which appear hard and expensive to get in Canada, Nice recipe. I,ve tried a few other rib recipes and this one looks FANTASTIC but I’ll be using bamboo sticks cut down which cost practically nothing as the faux bones would cost ea. serving an additional $10, or more. The. Moo Goo cost 3x the price of it in shipping cost, so unless I can find it cheaper, I’ll have to omit that.

  5. Capri Foleno
    Capri Foleno says:

    Something about “meat glue” is very off putting. I am not Vegan but trying to eat healthier and add more plant based foods to my diet. They do look very realistic as far as mock ribs go.

  6. mads ahren
    mads ahren says:

    Such a cool concept- open a restaurant so I don't have to make it myself, please!😂 vegan BBQ place? Potato pulled pork sandwiches, seitan chicken salad sandwiches, BBQ "ribs"

  7. Made by 4783
    Made by 4783 says:

    so interesting. another one of those videos i dont need to question if i will be making. wonder if theres a "bone" that can be soaked overnight or so in a marinade and then used so it releases something like a brine or glaze as it's cooking …

    edit: i wrote my comment at only 4 minutes or so, so i didnt see that final step or two. thats closer to what i mean but i also mean something thats like purposefully suppose to be used to soak up marinade .. like a delayed sponge that releases once cooking.

  8. Angie Rodriguez
    Angie Rodriguez says:

    Today I was thinking that I can’t remember when was the last time I had ribs. Is not necessarily that I missed them dearly, but wanted to see a recipe for vegan ribs….

    A few hours later…..I was just scrolling down youtube and boom! Here are the vegan ribs! Crazy!! Because of this…you just gained a new sub!

  9. Victoria m
    Victoria m says:

    Wow this looks amazing I’ve never heard of TI powder! I’ll have to look into it, seems like it’s the solution to the issues I’ve had with seitan


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