Easy Weight Loss With The Starch Solution/ Plant based

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Hi everybody!! In this video Im going over the specifics on how exactly to lose weight on a plant based diet as outlined by Dr. John Mcdougal in his book “The …

42 replies
  1. Athletic Amee
    Athletic Amee says:

    I ordered the Starch Solution book & cant wait to get my hands on it!! Than k you so much for your wonderful videos!! My only question is can I still eat oatmeal for breakfast? I usually have it with a have cup of blueberries & 1 tbl sp flaxseed powder.

  2. L Brown
    L Brown says:

    First time watching your channel. Very easy to listen to, and encouraging. I am definitely not vegan, so tell me what you season your dried beans with, for instance?

  3. Alden York
    Alden York says:

    You do such an amazing job modeling this way of eating and making it SO accessible- it has been so easy for me to cook this way and keep it simple as a new mom- and now I’ve lost 10 lbs of my pregnancy weight in one month! The very best part is that I eat as much as I want, which is a LOT, without counting calories (or counting ANYTHING- because counting is a drag and unsustainable for me!) I know that I can maintain this way of eating indefinitely because it feels so easy, natural, and satisfying! Keep up the great work- you are really empowering people and changing lives!

  4. D-Nugget
    D-Nugget says:

    girl you awesome, this plan sounds bomb, i like the plate thing so easy , i’m doing broccolli and potatoes
    1) no fats
    2) whole foods only
    3) serve yourself correctly page 216-217, hasty weight loss 1/3 starch, 2/3 non starchy veges , but 50/50 is best to start . KiK you da best! No ka oi. from Hawaii!

  5. Roz Mo
    Roz Mo says:

    Hi Kiki, is there a rule on how much seasoning to use when seasoning veggies?? Btw, I'm a new subby and I love your vids, very informative and motivating. Thank you

  6. trinsmit804
    trinsmit804 says:

    I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a kind, genuine, gentle, compassionate and helpful person. The world needs more people like you. You have the gift to inspire others to overcome. I have a bad habit of over eating and binging on sweets and fatty foods. I can give up some things, but sweets are hard. Any tips for overcoming severe cravings for fats, sweets and foods from the animal kingdom? Any tips and tricks or substitutes you have used? Any words of wisdom from you would be incredibly helpful. You have overcome your challenges with beauty and grace. I hope I can too. Thank you in advance and may you and your family be blessed ten times over. Keep up the great work!

  7. Diana DeSilva
    Diana DeSilva says:

    Hi there. I was already eating a starch based diet & some fruit. Yesterday, I decided to eat half cooked cabbage with half potatoes on my plate for lunch & cabbage with sweet potatoes for dinner. Bananas & apples in between. This morning, I started with cabbage & then steel cut oats. It's a good thing, I didn't have to work today. All day, I'm going through a severe cleansing. Is that normal? Will that last long? Just wondering. I'm missing my run training this afternoon. Not happy about that, though. Lol

  8. wilma crossin
    wilma crossin says:

    I also love the way you explain things and the simplicity of the way you cook. I’m a forever fan of your channel. Your recipes are so easy and affordable to make. Thank you again and keep up the good work. You look amazing!!!!!


  9. Melinda Wiens
    Melinda Wiens says:

    You are amazing! Thank you! I’ve been whole food plant based but not loosing much. I have 15 pounds to go and I know this will make it happen! One question~ what do you do for something crunchy? That’s my downfall.. 🙏🏼

  10. Jazzy Glass Gems
    Jazzy Glass Gems says:

    Kiki, I just love your videos. You are so inspiring and real. I love your calm demeanor and how you explain the simplicity of things. I’ve been whole food plant based for almost 3 years now. I lost around 22 pounds within the first year but the scale has not budged since. I’ve got around 40-50 more pounds to lose and I just don’t understand why it’s not coming off, especially after giving up rich foods, dairy, oils and meats. I get so discouraged many times but any time I’m ready to just give up, I watch your videos. They are the only thing that keep me going and give me hope. I’m going to try the 50/50 plate starting today in hopes that it will help. Thanks so much! ❤️

  11. Deb
    Deb says:

    Hi Kiki..Love your videos and your cuteness. .I've been doing the plant-based kiki recipes which are simple and I love simple too, but the washroom visits are a lot. How long did it take for your body to adjust to carbs only and the way they go through your body so fast (if you know what I mean)?

  12. Colleen Collins
    Colleen Collins says:

    I found you a few weeks ago when your videos popped up in my feed. I binged watched them all in a couple days. I agree with everyone that your presentation is just awesome. You explain everything clearly, and show food that is really beautiful and really simple! 

    I've been vegan since 2005, and whole food/unprocessed for nearly 5 years since starting Chef AJ's program. After using them my whole life, I'm starting to cook without recipes! You've inspired me to make my own pico and pintos (why did I never make pintos before this??), and I've been enjoying them every night for dinner with greens. 🙂

    I so appreciate your approach to keeping the food simple and starch based, while staying so positive and supportive. Your voice is desperately needed in this movement. Keep up the fantastic work! <3

  13. Leigh K
    Leigh K says:

    So are there no beans in the weight loss phase? Also, will you always have to eat this way to keep from gaining weight back? Will you ever have like a veggie burger?

  14. Mniamnioszek
    Mniamnioszek says:

    Why when I have started your lifestyle (no avocados, nuts, seeds, no hummus with oil) I had got headaches and feel bad? Why it doesn't work for me? And what about healthy fats for hormons especially important for women? 🙂

  15. Erika Grover
    Erika Grover says:

    Thank you for the knowledge that you are sharing. It is such a blessing. I am also dealing with several physical problems . I had a question about the 50 50 plate. How would you count soup? I am making minestrone.(vegan)

  16. Barb6106
    Barb6106 says:

    HELP!! I am reading how bad it is to keep cooked rice and potatoes..causes so many issues! I loved making a batch of rice and eating off that for a few days! How can I do this? Do you freeze cooked rice or just make great each meal??
    Thanks for any help! I live alone, take my lunch to work every day, so I don’t need huge amounts each meal, which is why I make bunch! Please help!

  17. Asha K
    Asha K says:

    I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ your videos! You have this wonderful way of explaining everything and making me believe I can do this. I have tried and failed several times because I give in to vegan junk food but I finally put my foot down and got rid of anything “unhealthy “ and stocked up with basics and just one week later I feel amazing. No more cravings. I’m taking your advice and not getting on the scale for a long time. I really want to make this about health and not the number on the scale. I’m so happy to see your channel grow and looking forward to seeing more videos 💕

  18. karwask1
    karwask1 says:

    This is not something that you need to know about for your goals, etc. and/but just to make folks aware of something called a "Mary's Mini" Mary McDougall and her husband put together a mostly potato (could be any other starch of choice and but potatoes are easiest, most versatile) type of diet for 10 days when you are stuck in weight loss, or if you just want to reset your taste buds to better appreciate a simpler palate and/or for folks just starting out to have a very simple way to eat whole foods without having to do a ton of cooking/shopping/learning, etc. There's a helpful Facebook group that will tell you more about it and where folks share recipes and support. Other YouTubers have addressed this, most notably, Krocks in the KItchen (I hope it's OK to reference another "creator"?) This is in keeping with your talking about the merits of simplicity.

  19. karwask1
    karwask1 says:

    Where do I start to talk about how helpful this video and your work is? First off, of all of the various and excellent "programs" out there for doing this lifestyle, seems to me that the Starch Solution way of doing it is the simplest, most effective, mostly likely to bring success than any other. You are an excellent spokesperson for showing us how this is done and how you have done it = you are a great example. Second: Being able to show all about the nuances of weight loss is very, very, helpful. So, having your husband's experience is a great way to show how weight loss can be different for different people and why that is the case. Also, that you bothered to show what Dr. M had in an earlier book regarding various ways to divide up the plate as per your weight loss goals = golden!!! The tips about always eat your veggies first = amazingly helpful as well. It's great to be able to tell folks that having seconds, even thirds, is OK but just keep the proportions the same = great! Thanks for all the good work you do.

  20. Kefir Heals
    Kefir Heals says:

    Your videos are the best out here Kiki – concise, clear, well presented. The take away I got was "keep it simple". Hard at first, becuz when you're older like me, it's ingrained to put out a meal that looks like it came out of a recipe book. It was hard to tone it down and just eat the whole food, like it came out of the earth. But your advice, taken from the 2 books, couldn't have been explained better. You are a great presenter. For any older women out here, following Kiki's advice about adding exercise, I found the best workouts at HASFIT on YouTube. They have 30 , 40 , and 60 minute workouts that are really easy to add in, and build up. They use stretch bands, and also weights for those wanting to use weights. I like moderate workouts, since I have a torn rotator cuff; so the bands really work well for me. (Yeah, I'm meaning to get that shoulder fixed later this year.) I hope to work up to the more difficult workouts, but for now, I'm happy to start slow. GREAT VIDEO KIKI (as usual)!!!!

  21. Missy B. Hood
    Missy B. Hood says:

    @plantifulkiki I love all your videos! They are so helpful and you are so encouraging! My biggest fear is losing weight fast and having a ton of hanging/sagging skin on my arms, legs, and stomach. Do you have any suggestions or does the body adjust to the weight coming off because you are not eating fat. (currently reading the Starch Solution).

  22. Sonia Mclean
    Sonia Mclean says:

    I ditto exactly what Shirley is saying. You make it real easy and explained so well. I will order The Starch Solution and finally take of the weight I've been battling for years. Your a life saver Kiki. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Keeping it Simple works for me.


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