Easy Vegan Yogurt Recipe | Cashew vs Almond

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– Directions: 1. Soak for 6-8 hours or boil until soft 2. Mix probiotics, lemon juice, and water together 3. Blend 4. Place yogurt bowl in large bowl of uncomfortably …

45 replies
  1. Rita Lucia
    Rita Lucia says:

    You are funny and I like these recipes… Unfortunately, the lady in your video doesn't seem too happy trying your yogurt.. She seems so ungrateful and a complainer.. I just had to be honest. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your recipe.. I will try it!

  2. Michelle F Clarke
    Michelle F Clarke says:

    Do you think you can use almond flour in place of the soaked almond? Maybe soak the flour in boiling water to soften? I have to give you kudos on this recipe. It's whole food no BS and fast!

  3. ThirdEyeOpen123
    ThirdEyeOpen123 says:

    I used to think that vegan cooking was boring. Boil the carrot. Boil the broccoli. Roast the tofu. But it’s crazy just how creative you can be with just plants.

    I’m only recently vegan so this is all still pretty amazing to me

  4. Denise Evans
    Denise Evans says:

    Mic you're a hoot, you keep my attention which some of these videos are sooooooo boring I fall asleep in my store-bought yogurt. Thank you and here taking notes, and I am subscribing!

  5. Robinwhiteart
    Robinwhiteart says:

    Let the almond skins dry out and then grind them up, or even just break them up with your fingers and finally add them to any whole grain flour cooking or baking project. In effect they are almond bran.

  6. Gabrielle Sothern
    Gabrielle Sothern says:

    A store bought vegan yogurt has like a 5% nuts to 95% water ratio, nuts are so fatty which gives the creaminess and the bacteria live cultures create the thickness: you don’t have to start thick, start with a milk consistency.

  7. Autism challenges and Rewards
    Autism challenges and Rewards says:

    I tried this yogurt. It was very easy to make. I made the cashews ad your measurements were perfect. I did not had a Super expensive , powerful blender like yours ,so I had to has close to a cup of water ,but boy it was Amazingly Creamy and Yummy.

  8. Betty Mon
    Betty Mon says:

    I watched organic soy being made on another site. What they did was to make soy milk (4 cups water to one cup soy beans). I won’t tell you the whole procedure, except that once the milk was made, they strained it through a nut bag, then proceeded with the other steps. The nut bag straining made a much smoother yogurt. Also, they used 2capsules of a supplement called Digestive Enzymes and it also worked fine.

  9. Tormented Soul
    Tormented Soul says:

    You make the recipe fun….. thanks it looks delicious. I am trying to go dairy-free but I was going to miss my yogurt and I love tzatziki sauce… can't wait to see how it tastes.

  10. Adeen R.
    Adeen R. says:

    Please prefer soaking nuts overnight instead of soaking it in boiling water. The heat can deteriorate most of the nutrients, all you will be getting is empty fiber.

  11. GoodVolks2Know
    GoodVolks2Know says:

    IF the picture you showed of your "wasp" is indeed what you have there. That is a European Hornet and they are 10x stronger (sting wise) than a wasp or bee. At least that's what it looked like.


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