Easy Vegan Wild Rice Casserole | Oil Free

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This delicious holiday dish is chock-full of winter flavors and starchy goodness. It’s perfect to make as your main meal or a side dish to bring to gatherings. Happy …

31 replies
  1. L C-G
    L C-G says:

    Happy Hanukkah! Love you both but please give us a holiday gift and use a tripod to keep the camera steady. Feeling like I'm on a rollercoaster over here :). Thanks!

  2. Peter R.
    Peter R. says:

    I take the butternut squash pulp and seeds, add some water, and liquefy it in my bullet blender. Then, I press it through a stainless steel mesh filter. The squash and the insides of the nuts get blended, leaving only the inedible fiber behind, which gets caught in the filter. It makes a luscious "milk" and all you need to do is get the tough fibrous nut husks out.

  3. Patty cake
    Patty cake says:

    I never thought about treating the butter nut squash like a potatoes, cut it up and cook it rather than always baking it. ❤️ It. This looks like a dish I would make, if it all can go together in one dish, heck ya.

  4. Amber Sahul
    Amber Sahul says:

    Great idea, I’m roasting squash most weeks anyways for batch prep and this would be an easy way to change things up. Lol of course I’m going to ask where you get your wild rice? Please don’t say winco, I’m so jealous we don’t have one:(…..


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