Easy Vegan Snacks for Parties / Plant-Based Appetizers for Hosting this Fall

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Today’s video features 3 easy appetizer/snack recipes that are perfect for any hosting you might be doing this fall season! Each one builds on a homemade …

25 replies
  1. Carley Mills
    Carley Mills says:

    Just in time for a halloween party I have this weekend! I've been vegan for 5 plus years and couldn't think of anything to bring as an appetizer.. I'll def be making these so thank you! I really appreciate the versatility of using the ricotta in all 3 recipes and their simplicity. (:

  2. Rachel Eppling
    Rachel Eppling says:

    I've been going through chemo, and this video made me so happy to watch just thinking of being around people again and I haven't been keeping up on your channel and I seriously missed watching you. You bring so much serotonin when I am in need. Thank you for all of the hard work of making these videos, it really means a lot.

  3. frances sweeney
    frances sweeney says:

    Fab video as always, I was wondering if you had ever tried making ricotta with soya milk, its the exact same process as if you were using dairy to make ricotta and it turns out amazing and so easy and affordable!!!

  4. M M
    M M says:

    Sarah my mouth is literally watering lol! These recipes look bomb! I have been neglecting cooking for myself lately, work has been busy and I’ve felt like I’m in survival mode living on vegan frozen foods and vegan fast food but my body is craving some delicious home made vegan goodness. I have a few days off-imma try these out. Love your channel and appreciate everything you do! I listen to your podcast and follow your music channel and Instagram too!

  5. plantae tivoli
    plantae tivoli says:

    sorry for all the spelling mistakes and oversharing. I was very emotional, typing fast and posted before checking. it doesn't make much sense to me today. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings when I said those things…. Really sorry 🙁 <3


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