Easy & Tasty Vegan Casseroles (Dump & Bake)

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I’ve been OBSESSED with Dump & Bake Casseroles lately, so today I’m sharing 3 of my favorite recipes with you! These fuss-free …

49 replies
  1. Matej Sadovsky
    Matej Sadovsky says:

    Evey piece of Aluminium you ever saw… well you most probably never saw a piece of Aluminium… because every piece of Aluminium on earth is very quickly covered by a protective layer of Aluminium Oxide, which is chemically inert under normal conditions and won't let any acids to react with the bare metal beneath. The silicon covering the baking dish oios probably more of a problem, but not really. Also there is no evidence Aluminium salts are unhealthy, Aluminium acetate is used to alleviate join pains in Europe, and it appears in trace amount in Earths crust and dust soil particles settled on the veggies and leafy green we regularly eat. Said that I respect your choice, but it is always better not to trust anything you hear, read or been told, and just act rational… because people are often biased and it takes a lot of time, training and self-denial to master the art of scientific method.

  2. Marie
    Marie says:

    Wow I wish I saw this video sooner! I've been struggling a little lately with finding motivation to cook (I'm in my senior year of school, applying to internships and working part time) so these simple recipes are wonderful. I just made my own variation on the buffalo cauliflower, I didn't have hot sauce so I just replaced it with a random curry sauce I had and used white rice instead of brown and holy cow what an easy delicious meal. Thank you 💜

  3. Laura McDonald
    Laura McDonald says:

    Tonight I made the "Cheesy Broccoli Rice Casserole With Chickpeas." It was amazing! Next time I will have to double it. I gathered one small container of leftovers for lunch tomorrow but the rest is history!! Thanks for what you do.

  4. Dr. Kristina Dervaitis
    Dr. Kristina Dervaitis says:

    LOVE the cheesy broccoli casserole! (Totally surprised at how truly cheesy it tastes, toasting the nutritional yeast is key, I agree). I am new to plant based eating (have been exploring it during the pandemic, lots of time for new recipes!) Really enjoying your channel, thank you!

  5. J C
    J C says:

    These are great. I'm currently makimg the broccoli one. I drained the chickpeas but did not rinse them 😶 so some liquid is in the mix. Hoping this will be ok. Cant wait to dig in…. Only half hour longer.

  6. C F
    C F says:

    Hi Caitlin. Can I use frozen veggies for your dump and bake casseroles? And, does the finished product freeze well? I live by myself so I was wondering if it would work. BTW, I have been vegan for 20 years. I’m 66 years old.

  7. Jessica Icard
    Jessica Icard says:

    I’ve made the buffalo cauliflower a few times now and tried it different ways. I like chickpeas better than white beans, and I quarter the amount of hot sauce (whew LoL) and leave out the celery. I shamelessly ate the entire 9×13 myself in like 3 days while on my period. ❤️ Thank you Friend🙌🏼


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