EASY RED POTATO SOUP – 30 Minute Recipe

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Nothing better on a cold day that a big bowl of potato soup. This creamy and chunky red potato soup is super easy to make in just …

17 replies
  1. Tana
    Tana says:

    It’s a rainy and dark day in north Texas today so I made this. So warm, comforting, and delicious 💗 nothing like a great bowl of soup on a rainy day. I added a generous amount of sour cream and cheese. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Candy H
    Candy H says:

    omy goodness that Tater Soup looks so delicious and easy , the only part that worries me that I've never tried is the roux or bechamel sauce 😕 you ruin that it's a no go ya start over , you make it look so fast and easy , other than that I could do it 😂

  3. Steve Logan
    Steve Logan says:

    Richard, you are still on a roll, I like red tater soup( use them in my tater salad also), glad you used bacon grease, I have several jars in the fridge, in Kentucky it'd be a sin to throw out bacon grease, fat, drippins', may be against the law here, lol, very nice hearty soup


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