Easy Pickled Spicy Carrots & Mexican Red Onions

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Pickling, especially quick pickling, is a great way to quickly add unique flavors to all kinds of vegetables. In this video I make some …

26 replies
  1. Lee H
    Lee H says:

    Qdoba has had pickled red onions on their menu for the past year or so and they are SO delicious. I've been meaning to look up a recipe so I can make my own. Looks amazing, I'll have to try it!

  2. mdboatbum
    mdboatbum says:

    Haven’t tried pickled carrots but I absolutely love pickled onions! The next time you’re making refrigerator pickles, try asparagus spears and green beans. They both make a really good Bloody Mary garnish.
    Thanks for sharing another great recipe!

  3. Robert Werner
    Robert Werner says:

    Tajin for my 3 yo son is "my jin" and he loves it on everything. It's usually my base rub on my chicken and flank steak for tacos. The onions look delicious and Robertito would probably even be willing to try them since they have his jin on them.

  4. Postal Barbecue
    Postal Barbecue says:

    Those both look great! I LOVE pickled carrots and your reaction says it all. I have never made them myself so I’ll need to try it! I have been making a lot of pickled onions recently and I got a tip from my local brewery who puts in a bit of red wine vinegar which is a nice variation as well. Maybe I should make this carrots right now. Haha.

  5. Kt
    Kt says:

    The jalapeño recipe is a favorite in our house looking forward to trying this as well! Excellent content as usual in your low key style = winning

  6. norcalniner
    norcalniner says:

    Awesome! Have you experimented with cutting the onion longitudinally as opposed to making rings that are cut across the equator? I started cutting longitudinally and won’t go back to the other way. The texture is much different. There’s more snap to the onion and it’s much firmer once it’s been pickled.

  7. Luke
    Luke says:

    Ry, can I come and stay with you for a month or two? I will take over all dish washing responsibilities and I promise never, ever to complain about the food! Hahaha! This looks awesome, and I cant wait to try.

  8. jinhayu
    jinhayu says:

    I totally like to season red onions with sumac. Makes a great flavor, even raw on burgers. Red onions, a little sumac and you have a perfect result.

  9. Jabus Spires
    Jabus Spires says:

    The carrots… We call them "Firecrackers." You can adjust to taste… I like them spicier, so I tend to cut the carrot sticks a bit thinner, and I increase the heat by using more pepper flakes.

    Great content, Ry! Glad to see recipes beyond the Outdoor cooking!


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